Poetry competition CLOSED 18th February 2014 2:41pm
SickSanityJenn (Esoteric)
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RUNNERS-UP: Grace and jakehammer

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The Beautiful Things

Fire of Insight
Joined 29th June 2012
Forum Posts: 325

Poetry Contest

Tell me what beautiful means to you
No collabs
be as descriptive as possible
and please check your grammer
It can be a person, a feeling, something you see, etc. Aything as long as it describes what beautiful means to you.
unlimited entries.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17066

I propose, check spellings as well...

Beauty is in the Eyes

beautiful is a world
seen through kind eyes
where sepia photographs
show only the happiness
not the bitterness
of what happened before
or after

beautiful is a face
with  smiling eyes
an alluring smile
a face full of love
with an admirable capacity
of acceptance
of other's shortcomings

beautiful is a woman
with an adorable grin
Fun and never complain
angelic and appealing
even in a wet dress
showing her beauteous curves
without flirting

bewitching is a night
captive in a lover's arm
charming and dazzling,
with delicate scents
of a delightful promise
to a divine enthralling
evening of love

Beautiful is the enticement
of an exquisite encounter
beautiful is the face
of every loving mother
who will give everything
for sons and daughters
Beautiful is Love

Beautiful is pleasing
to the eyes of the beholder
blind may be the eyes
but never the heart.

poet Anonymous

What Beautiful Means To Me

Clouds moving slowly toward the sun
Watching little boys run

Feeding winter birds trying to survive
Waking up still alive

Looking into the eyes of an interesting fellow
And delighting in the color yellow

The birth of kittens, all squished in a ball
As their mother takes care to not let them fall

Finding a new shade of purple flower
Standing up for yourself exerting power

Seeing your first grandson open his eyes
And looking at where your only son’s face lies

Full of energy and promise, like a young woman of twenty
And seeing her face after it has turned into the soft palate with her life’s plenty

Being able to spring up from the bed after a night of sleep
And run toward your life as if it was only yours to keep

A chubby girl transforming from an awkward preteen
To a confident young woman with a dimpled smile for all to be seen

Black and white pictures of your mother in her veil and shoes with a white chunky heel
As she runs into the arms of your father after being married showing all that lovers feel

A lazy brown dog sprawled on top of of a handmade quilt atop a bed
After enjoying a walk and a bowl of food that he was just fed

Seeing a yellow halo glow surrounding the head of the man you just met
And knowing that he is the one that God sent you to get

Beauty is subjective, it is, but one thing everyone can agree
That everything around us is beautiful if you open your eyes and see

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 10th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 21

Beautiful is a feeling that dwells deep within
It's below the surface but you can see it on the skin
Everyone views it differently and everyone is heard
There's so many versions we can give a single word

Beautiful is the passion that heats a lovers bed
Filling up the empty space in each other's head
Magnificent and powerful, sad and bittersweet
Everything that speaks to you is beautiful to me

Beautiful is the morning sky as color washes in
And a child's laughter, giggling over and over again
The people that reach out to you when you need a friend
And beautiful is the hand that holds on until the end

Beautiful are the eyes that hunger to see
A drive that takes you far out into the country
Beautiful is the night sky so deep and mysterious
The strength and the fire that burns inside of us

Beautiful is the city, bold and busy into the night
Or deep inside a forest that's teaming with life
Out in the universe, on other planets far and strange
Beautiful is everywhere not just within our visual range

I am beautiful somehow, I know this much is true
And if beauty is a part of me, then it's a part of you
So open your eyes and look upon the world anew
I'm sure you'll see all beautiful things inside and around you

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 9th July 2013
Forum Posts: 160

When she's on her knees
In the shower
Felating me
And she looks up at me
A question in her eyes
I'm answering yes
I turn off the water
Dry off
Take her to my bed
Sensations and bliss
Don't you know that's what beauty is

poet Anonymous

'Dis is my serious entry:

Da trewf 'bout beauty

A scab that heals is da most beautiful ting in da hole whirled. Especially if it's won youse bin pickin' for years. Dat sore don't look wryte till it heals. It's your own fukkin fault if youse keep pickin' at it. Let it go. It will heal & dat's da most beautiful ting in da whole fuckin' whirled. It myte leave a scar. At least it ain't bleedin' all over da place.  Dat ain't pretty. Dat ain't da least bit beautiful. Dat's ugly as sin.  But a scab dat's heeled, dat's beautiful! Sew stop youse pickin youse sores.  Ya ain't never gonna look good.


Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 24th June 2012
Forum Posts: 101

It is hope
It is love
Is her smile
Or the twinkle in her eye
Is the feeling of melting into her body
To play with butterflies

She smiles
like the moons rings they shine
Shine like you will never believe
A jealous heart will envy this flower
Lilies will blossom true beauty

Tommie Lynn
Tyrant of Words
United States 14awards
Joined 27th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 61


Beautiful is her shrinking body
with her curved spine
Her smile with that front broken
tooth, while she hides her pain
All her wrinkles,each line
with a story
A heart of absolute pure gold
always giving never taking
The sweetest old lady voice you
would ever hear
Her kind and tender touch as
she says hello and goodbye
Every I love you she's said
to anyone in need of it
Beautiful is her soul, I can only
hope I'm as beautiful as her

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 25th Jan 2014
Forum Posts: 25

The Sky

Whenever the sky is gray and  I'm having doubts
I remind myself there's a sun behind those clouds
At night when it's clear and the day ends too soon
I'm still lost in awe by the sight of the moon
When I feel like I'll never get to go anywhere
I feel hope seeing a plane in the air
Even if I'm cold in the winter and nothing is warm
The falling snow still makes a lovely storm

Many things are beautiful
And may catch my eye
But none of them can compare
To the beauty of the sky

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

Little Beautiful Things


Beauty is seeing a tear
stained face, still smiling.
Beauty is seeing the one you love,
in love with some one else,
and wishing,
them happiness,
with out lying.

Beauty is seeing scars,
on an old soldier's face and body.
Working his ass off,
trying to make it in today's

Beauty is seeing the sunset,
setting in hues of blues,
pinks, oranges, purples across the sky.
and just sitting there,
with out a burden,
neutral to the troubles of life.

Beauty is seeing a stray mama dog
in a dumpster,
feeding her pups,
though you can count the ribs of
this poor, hungry dog.
There are people who just
don't give a fuck about their own.

Beauty is seeing a cancered girl,
being able to rest in peace.
Encumbered in a pretty coffin,
knowing that her pain is no more;
that her soul is now free.

But what can be more beautiful,
even inspiring,
as seeing an old married couple of 80+
still hanging unto each other.
In a hospital ward, resigned to the fact,
that they'll probably die together.
True Love like that doesn't exist
All these little beautiful things has me bewildered.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 20th Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 174

Beautiful is what an ounce looks like on the scales
Beautiful is finding a couple bucks between the cushions of the couch
Beautiful is the colors I see after smoking some of that ounce
Beautiful is only having to walk 1 block cause of the munchies
Beautiful is the feeling after eating 2 burgers from the dollar menu
I love being fukin beautiful

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

lmao!! nice one DirtFarm.

poet Anonymous


Strange Creature
Joined 23rd Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 2

Fields of Heavenly glory.

 I lay here
In the grasses of dreams,
Awaiting the wind
To release me to
The loving hands of another.
In the distance
Thunder roars, reminding
Of how short
Time is.
Yet here, in swaying stalks
Of emerald, below an ocean
Of infinite sapphire,
I live.
Death’s chill grip
Cannot embrace me, for it is death
The Light of creation denies.
Thusly, I do not survive, for
In the truth
I prosper.
By the will
Of the stars we met
‘Twas by their desire
Their path we crossed
By their intent
We’re no longer lost.
To the diamonds
Of the heavenly domain
Give thanks!
Now the light of the moon
Rise in search
Of the day,
Death’s embrace
Looms ever closer.
Like the calm before the siege
The wind stills;
Thunder turns to rain;
Contentment now to pain
And the stalks of emerald
Riot among themselves
In fear of the Reaper’s grace.
The moon settles,
Taking with it
A crying storm.
Sapphire sky washes away
The ruby blood of dawn,
The diamonds of night wink
In silent promise
Of eventual return.
Alas, what a night
It’s been,
How fortunate to live
Among the fields of grass
Ineffably green,
Below the sapphire sky
Ever infinite it seems.
Bless the glory of this day.

Thought Provoker
Joined 9th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 52

yesterday's beautiful

a brown feathered mouse
of a bird  hop -bob-peck
cracking seeds for meat

and a crescent  bird-curve
etching ebony circles on
the  misty grey canvass
of the sliding sky

and spied from the corner
of my eye the        



and felt the chill
of  dead december grass
on shoeless feet

and remembered within
countless forgetings –

this we are


darkening and illuminating
star after star

like snow-covered trees
dreaming of green dolphin leaves
in a warm blue ocean of sky

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