Poetry competition CLOSED 6th September 2013 7:48pm
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the greatest lie you ever told

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 9th July 2013
Forum Posts: 160

Poetry Contest

write about the greatest lie you ever told
two per
have fun

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

i am a liar
lookin for truth

wait, wait. stop.

that's not anywhere near honest enough
what i am is the calculation
of how fuckin much that costs vs what % it is
i'd say you could do me in that time too
but its what you expect from me

i dont know how to impress. i just do
i've said i love you irl like and well
i give a fuck did i mean it
i don't know
nobody said it to me meaning anythin but i need something you got
give now
bend over backwards and take the crabs
etc. that sort of thing

just for the sheer fuck of how many times
i have to go with
and this is my final answer
for the million bucks who gives a fuck
i'm fine

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 9th July 2013
Forum Posts: 160

magnificent beginning! thank you.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

How I Lied.

He was a child's innocence
with questions about the most profound things
too young for the imagination he wore
he said to me once
'I don't want you to die like my other mother'
he was five and I was asking him what he meant
but all he could give me were tears
and I told him I wasn't going to die

he saw things and heard things
always afraid and needing my hand
I felt the cold in the corners of our home
like something was always watching quietly
but I still told him there was nothing to fear
there are no monsters that will hurt him
and I hoped he was too young to see the lie in my eyes
and I hoped he would never hurt at the hands of a monster

thirteen now and still haunted by his fears
the truth is out......

poet Anonymous

Okay, here is my submission:

Air and Lies

The past was the reason
For the detestation
He thought we moved on
“Forgive and Forget”
But I cannot forgive
His defiance and I cannot forget
His abuse
Although we moved on
And established a “foundation”
He thought it was made of stone
It was made of air
He is blind to deception

There were many smiles
Many laughs
At him, not
Guilt is not relevant
Revenge, however,
And I accepted that
So I continued forward
With my deceit
And he with his relationship
That was made of air

He didn’t deserve the greener pastures
I provided
Although deceitfully created
Greener pastures: nonetheless
He wasn’t used to dishonesty
But it was defiance
In the end
That he will never know
And that he will never see
Because heartlessness, he is blinded to
For he is… conceited
And I gave him false love
He died without knowing
I never truly loved him
This man was my father

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 9th July 2013
Forum Posts: 160

thank you for your entries

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 50

The bible is non fiction

poet Anonymous

jctmme112092 said:The bible is non fiction

You just made my day with that comment

poet Anonymous


The Bible says: "Though shalt not bear false witness"
I am not a witness, I was not there
However, telling the truth got me in hot water
Being honest gets you nowhere

For women, I tell them they look thinner
For girls, I tell them they look thinner than that
For boys, I say "aren't you smart"
For men, I say....."oh you made me come"

For my boss, be it a woman, "how many pounds have you lost?"
For my boss, be it a man, "you are brilliant to think up that plan"
For my peers, I have to be careful
They are as good at bullshit as me

Mothers do not believe you
Fathers are men after all
So you can tell Daddy, you have been a good girl
Before your mother ruins it in a whirl....

Grandma cannot hear
Grandpa cannot see
They love each other more every day
I think we could learn from them
And let a kind word fall from your lips
As long as it is not in the courtroom
Lies make life livable
For if one more person tells me I should diet
Death be unto him!

Thought Provoker
Germany 4awards
Joined 27th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 144

What is love?

Well there was a girl
I kinda liked
she liked me even more.

We just were friends
but then we played around,
and it was more.

But not for me, I always lied,
I was the one for her.

I didn't want to disappoint
that nice and charming girl.

But all these years
I've never loved
and never will I do
that girl I started out as friends
that sadly is the truth.

poet Anonymous

I Lied All Night...

I don't normally lie
I'm not quite that nice, or aware even
I'm not an ego stroker or one to deny even the worst I've done

But, I lied all night tonight
helpless to my own folly
In every smile meant for me
and between every note that I strummed
right there, inside of every song
I found you
told myself a thousand times that the drink doesn't agree with me
that it was just my inner child playing tricks on me

when I had to lean forward, to finish that song
the one I know must be ours, bow my head to hide the tears
as I felt my hair, wet against my face
imagining myself a million miles away
playing on some stage that had you somewhere in the crowd
I felt you like I'd absorbed you into my every pore

I closed my eyes to block out the lights
and I felt you in every sound
felt my insides churn and erupt
as I held my guitar like it was my life force
tried to keep my ground as every drum-roll landed
pounding out the depths of how you fill me
yet leave me needing more, in the most desperate way
I thought of how you're not even aware

I wanted you there in the worst way
left the stage to get some air
and inhaled mad desire for you in the moonlight
as I wished on every single star
and I exhaled so deeply that I felt stupidly in love

when a familiar voice reeled me back with a jolt
asking me if I was alright, If I had anything on my mind

I lied...
said I was too stoned, really drunk-super tired
but that I had no-one and nothing on my mind

as butterflies danced in my belly and a lump caught in my throat
and I tried to laugh sincerely, about how I notoriously
sing the wrong lyrics and skip over verses

I heard a friend say "she protesteth too much"

Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 690

the greatest lie

I am a woman, in a man's body
with a penis that doesn't work
I have fucked the vineyards and the haystacks
grown a beard as long as a pine tree
the beard is downstairs
and it is joined to my hair
which is also long, flowing from my shiny head
I speak 500 languages
I cant read
I once slept outside my own house
in the blizzard of 93' I fingered somebody's sister
I even slapped a judge for being too damn ugly
but seriously, I'm currently jacking off to everybody's mom
no no no, I'll be honest for old time's sake
my greatest lie is that I am/have-done none of these things.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 21st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 22

I played you off
As a lustful whim:
A calm cool pool
In which to swim
While my girlfriend's ovaries
Went to work,
And made me out
To be a jerk
Should I ever leave.
What could I do?
I courted her for years,
But only fucked you.
What would they think,
This family of mine?
My heart's content:
A blasphemous crime!
So I came to you,
And reluctantly said
"I don't love you"
Through tears unshed,
So you left,
And found another man.
I stayed,
And do the best I can.
The love of my life
Is three feet tall.
Into her happiness,
I put my all,
Yet years gone by
Only strengthen
My greatest lie
That time lengthens
As I ignore
Your memory,
Until my dreams
Through sorcery
Bring forth obscene
Relentless seeds
Of haunting images
From a scar that bleeds....

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