Being Gay

Poetry Contest Description
Write a poem about being gay.
*you can use old poems
*no word/line limit
*no word/line limit

"Hiding Joy"
(Another Kind of Gay)
I'm so happy,
I'm so gay,
as playful
as can be,
I skip to
my own beat,
dance beautifully
on two feet
even one,
it's so much fun.
so fancy free,
no one wants
to be with me,
they tell me
I'm just
way too merry,
I don't get it.
Some even say
I have a little
bit of fairy
hiding deep
for a release,
a chance
to fly.
But please,
I'm not
going to cry,
I'm just going
to keep
my happiness
hidden to myself,
to do my best,
to romance,
pray to live,
live to play,
to seize the day,
with all
hidden joy.
Oh boy,
I'm gonna
a ball!
(Another Kind of Gay)
I'm so happy,
I'm so gay,
as playful
as can be,
I skip to
my own beat,
dance beautifully
on two feet
even one,
it's so much fun.
so fancy free,
no one wants
to be with me,
they tell me
I'm just
way too merry,
I don't get it.
Some even say
I have a little
bit of fairy
hiding deep
for a release,
a chance
to fly.
But please,
I'm not
going to cry,
I'm just going
to keep
my happiness
hidden to myself,
to do my best,
to romance,
pray to live,
live to play,
to seize the day,
with all
hidden joy.
Oh boy,
I'm gonna
a ball!

Coming Out
I never felt gay, simply attracted
to women, rejecting the lesbian label
seeing no line, until I crossed it
it was pointed out, enough to make me see
that although I thought outside that box
society had it's own for me
Looking for unification and support
in banners and t-shirt's from the
gay bookstore
wearing the triangle, upside down, pink
arguing with religious nuts
losing family and friends
all the while looking for myself
defending truth with rebuttals of logic
learning quickly that nobody got it
the women I met, filled with self hatred
couldn't be loved after all they'd been taught
about wrong and hell
what gay would cost
People acting like I was a recruit
searching for converts to join the homo group
they'd watch their children...
Homosexuality found in over 400 species
homophobia in only one
oppressed by bigots
segregated by hate
which is NOT a family value, by the way
and while the straight folks cheat and lie
run out on kids, divorce, re-marry
gay rights would remove the sanctity?
it's like when they quote the bible
two men together is forbidden in a verse
as is a menstruating woman in the same
but it's selective reading
to support any theory
uphold the hate by refusing to see them
life was uphill, both ways
until I found
being me was easy when fools were exposed
then shunned
that these same people wanted evolution
removed from education
these who believed
women were made from a man's rib
how much could I expect, from them?
Genetics now prove we are born this way
does that mean God makes mistakes?
or that man has...
either way, love is only crime
in the eyes of those who hate
I never felt gay, simply attracted
to women, rejecting the lesbian label
seeing no line, until I crossed it
it was pointed out, enough to make me see
that although I thought outside that box
society had it's own for me
Looking for unification and support
in banners and t-shirt's from the
gay bookstore
wearing the triangle, upside down, pink
arguing with religious nuts
losing family and friends
all the while looking for myself
defending truth with rebuttals of logic
learning quickly that nobody got it
the women I met, filled with self hatred
couldn't be loved after all they'd been taught
about wrong and hell
what gay would cost
People acting like I was a recruit
searching for converts to join the homo group
they'd watch their children...
Homosexuality found in over 400 species
homophobia in only one
oppressed by bigots
segregated by hate
which is NOT a family value, by the way
and while the straight folks cheat and lie
run out on kids, divorce, re-marry
gay rights would remove the sanctity?
it's like when they quote the bible
two men together is forbidden in a verse
as is a menstruating woman in the same
but it's selective reading
to support any theory
uphold the hate by refusing to see them
life was uphill, both ways
until I found
being me was easy when fools were exposed
then shunned
that these same people wanted evolution
removed from education
these who believed
women were made from a man's rib
how much could I expect, from them?
Genetics now prove we are born this way
does that mean God makes mistakes?
or that man has...
either way, love is only crime
in the eyes of those who hate
Joined 19th May 2013
Forum Posts: 4
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 4
I used to be afraid
Afraid of facing the truth
The loving of her skin
Her voice filled with prominent youth
I hid my thoughts
To deny what I feel
How I yearned for her petite breasts
How I wished my fantasies were real
But I took her by the waist
Met her lips with mine
I embraced who I am
Thus no longer will I live a lie
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1797
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1797
The Pink Triangle
I remember dancing with Chris
in Danzig, by the sea.
We'd sing to each other
play with our hands
with the chirping birds
and the rolling of the sea.
Thinking back to the time,
when I was free
in the old Weimar days
of freedom and democracy
it all seemed so perfect
but now, we've taken a step back in time
to the days of barbarians.
Rounded up and flogged
with a pink triangle on my clothing
I shiver, as the noose sways in front of me.
They call me a fagget
that I have disgraced my Aryan blood.
I remember when they forced Chris to his knees
they put a bullet through his skull.
His blood sprayed over me,
slavic, slave blood.
He had it easy
for I have been sentenced to hang
by the noose.
Hear I stand,
still who I am.
Waiting for death,
a sentence.
Handed down from Hell.
With a crack,
the floor falls through
as do my feet, and my legs
I hang, twitching for release.
I am shot through the chest
as I die, the blood splatters
pure, Aryan blood.
Splattered across the pavement.
Left here, by the noose
I sway in the breeze.
With the purity
dripping from my carcass.
I remember dancing with Chris
in Danzig, by the sea.
We'd sing to each other
play with our hands
with the chirping birds
and the rolling of the sea.
Thinking back to the time,
when I was free
in the old Weimar days
of freedom and democracy
it all seemed so perfect
but now, we've taken a step back in time
to the days of barbarians.
Rounded up and flogged
with a pink triangle on my clothing
I shiver, as the noose sways in front of me.
They call me a fagget
that I have disgraced my Aryan blood.
I remember when they forced Chris to his knees
they put a bullet through his skull.
His blood sprayed over me,
slavic, slave blood.
He had it easy
for I have been sentenced to hang
by the noose.
Hear I stand,
still who I am.
Waiting for death,
a sentence.
Handed down from Hell.
With a crack,
the floor falls through
as do my feet, and my legs
I hang, twitching for release.
I am shot through the chest
as I die, the blood splatters
pure, Aryan blood.
Splattered across the pavement.
Left here, by the noose
I sway in the breeze.
With the purity
dripping from my carcass.
Joined 30th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 86
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 86
I think I have motion sickness
from the blue crowd and tearful elegance, the way a woman smells to me is
forth coming, it's time I accept the silky gallery
of female pleasures
and decadence
Men only bring the catacombs of lovliness
out of me, the dance of death
and watered down sex toys from my dreams.
Being choked is being grateful, while on the balls of my feet.
but with this girl I'm all fire and loyalty.
I think I should accept who I truly am.
I think I should accept that I'm gay.
I think I have motion sickness
from the blue crowd and tearful elegance, the way a woman smells to me is
forth coming, it's time I accept the silky gallery
of female pleasures
and decadence
Men only bring the catacombs of lovliness
out of me, the dance of death
and watered down sex toys from my dreams.
Being choked is being grateful, while on the balls of my feet.
but with this girl I'm all fire and loyalty.
I think I should accept who I truly am.
I think I should accept that I'm gay.

I had never seen anybody so orange.
His skin; thick as leather
turned a deeper shade of burn
every week.
He liked men and exercise
(usually at the same time)
and was every bit
the bitchy martyr
I quietly loathed.
I didn't give a shit
that his hands rubbed denim
most Saturday nights,
or when I'd see him
stinking of liquor and fags
falling out of a car
belonging to one of
King Street's finest
or when his tanned skin
would wrinkle in deep furrows
turning those tattooed roses
into vaginas
as I smiled at the irony,
and he would scowl at me
like I'd pressed the wrong
biological buttons
within him.
Yet, it mattered when I saw him
with black eyes; a split lip
those white palms bruised
with ego and upset
still walking with a swagger
towards the boys,
spitting blood and grinning
without a hint of regret.
I had never seen anybody so orange.
His skin; thick as leather
turned a deeper shade of burn
every week.
He liked men and exercise
(usually at the same time)
and was every bit
the bitchy martyr
I quietly loathed.
I didn't give a shit
that his hands rubbed denim
most Saturday nights,
or when I'd see him
stinking of liquor and fags
falling out of a car
belonging to one of
King Street's finest
or when his tanned skin
would wrinkle in deep furrows
turning those tattooed roses
into vaginas
as I smiled at the irony,
and he would scowl at me
like I'd pressed the wrong
biological buttons
within him.
Yet, it mattered when I saw him
with black eyes; a split lip
those white palms bruised
with ego and upset
still walking with a swagger
towards the boys,
spitting blood and grinning
without a hint of regret.

Nice entries people. Keep the gayness a-flowing!
No Thanks
Joined 17th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 199
No Thanks
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 199
The Other Side
do you know what its like to be a outsider?
on the other side of the fence.
how alone would you feel, if excluded you were?
it doesn't make any sense.
isolated soul
no one will hear
it hurts my heart
do you shed a tear?
him, or her
feeling they don't belong
society judges them unworthy
cuz' its "wrong"
pain of feeling worthless
50 shades of blue
perhaps at some point its to much
and they use the noose
imagine his world
i don't care if you don't like it!
she feels this everyday
cuz' society treats them like shit
when you hear hate
don't embrace cuz' thats how you were bred
take a stand
save someone from being dead
imagine the feelings, the life, too
being oppressed, hated, abused;
lets knock down the fence
let them out- it makes sense
do you know what its like to be a outsider?
on the other side of the fence.
how alone would you feel, if excluded you were?
it doesn't make any sense.
isolated soul
no one will hear
it hurts my heart
do you shed a tear?
him, or her
feeling they don't belong
society judges them unworthy
cuz' its "wrong"
pain of feeling worthless
50 shades of blue
perhaps at some point its to much
and they use the noose
imagine his world
i don't care if you don't like it!
she feels this everyday
cuz' society treats them like shit
when you hear hate
don't embrace cuz' thats how you were bred
take a stand
save someone from being dead
imagine the feelings, the life, too
being oppressed, hated, abused;
lets knock down the fence
let them out- it makes sense
Joined 12th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 708
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 708
Paint me pretty sis.
Paint me bloody dad.
Call me something beautiful.
Call me a fucking fag.
Send me to your honor.
Judge me by yourself.
Destined to be a hero.
Destined straight for hell.
Have I no right to love?
Well then tell me how it feels.
I'll be"confused"forever I guess,
since you know what is"real".
So I'll come out gun's blazing,
or waving a white flag.
Call me something beautiful.
Call me a fucking fag.
Paint me pretty sis.
Paint me bloody dad.
Call me something beautiful.
Call me a fucking fag.
Send me to your honor.
Judge me by yourself.
Destined to be a hero.
Destined straight for hell.
Have I no right to love?
Well then tell me how it feels.
I'll be"confused"forever I guess,
since you know what is"real".
So I'll come out gun's blazing,
or waving a white flag.
Call me something beautiful.
Call me a fucking fag.
Joined 21st May 2013
Forum Posts: 3
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 3
I’m sitting here, dreaming
About a poem that I can write
Explaining my past. I should be beaming
Thinking about how I survived being
But honestly, nothing comes to mind
Because I may not have
Actually survived. I’m blind
Because I thought I’m done being
Was there any surviving to do?
This was a twisted part of me
That thought it’s possible to
“Survive” being me; being
People told me everyday
I was making the wrong “choice”.
I used to look at them and say,
“It’s not a fucking choice, being
If this was a choice, would I want
To put up with the non-stop
Bullying? I didn’t want to flaunt
It. But I was different, being
My peers are the reason why
I didn’t come out to my parents.
Every night I would cry,
Thinking my parents wouldn’t accept me being
I guess I’m contradicting myself, but
I still like girls. I always have, always
Will. And do you know what?
I can’t change for anyone because I’m proud being
I’m sitting here, dreaming
About a poem that I can write
Explaining my past. I should be beaming
Thinking about how I survived being
But honestly, nothing comes to mind
Because I may not have
Actually survived. I’m blind
Because I thought I’m done being
Was there any surviving to do?
This was a twisted part of me
That thought it’s possible to
“Survive” being me; being
People told me everyday
I was making the wrong “choice”.
I used to look at them and say,
“It’s not a fucking choice, being
If this was a choice, would I want
To put up with the non-stop
Bullying? I didn’t want to flaunt
It. But I was different, being
My peers are the reason why
I didn’t come out to my parents.
Every night I would cry,
Thinking my parents wouldn’t accept me being
I guess I’m contradicting myself, but
I still like girls. I always have, always
Will. And do you know what?
I can’t change for anyone because I’m proud being
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
I'm Bisexual and Transgender, so that applies too, it's all LGBT so I thought this poem that I wrote about how I felt when I first came out totally goes well in this contest. Here is "Maiden Man":
-{ Maiden Man }-
A Meditation on My Soul
I have often heard it said, that one can help their nature,
Yet mine is not the hard ways of men, but far, far softer.
I was born in my heart like a maid, romantic, and loving…
Yet, this world often lacks the fairer gift of understanding.
They say men should be rough and rowdy, but I am not!
I have a gentler nature and I am given to: much thought…
Now my face and form are smooth, and I dress feminine.
Does that make me so wicked, for being who I truly am?
Human terms mean naught to one who is beyond them…
Whilst mortal eyes see but little: when they might so look.
Yet I have dreamed of things no mind can comprehend!
I have seen scriptures not written of in any sacred book.
Have you ever yearned with all your heart for any dream,
As, I have yearned to embrace a love with no limitations?
What beauty there is in fantasy: as bubbles in a stream…
The refinement of pleasure amidst joyous celebrations!
I have changed myself, to match my soul, for that is me…
And I shall carry myself, with a more enlightened dignity.
We are born to our nature, whatever that inclines us to!
God does not err, for was it not both as divine and true…
For me to be what I am inside and so display it, without?
And if I call Her my Goddess I will do so with no doubt.
I am what I was made to be, and I will love accordingly,
Mayhap a maid who will love me more, for my honesty!
Stretch forth your heart, as I bid, to embrace my spirit…
And I will be your illumination as you evolve beyond this,
The realm that would entrap and ensnare us as it sees fit!
Take my hand, and be the one to know my wanton kiss.
I am freedom, I am passion and I cannot be aught else…
Will she come to me, my dream lover, and become real?
I pray, that she will come to see the grace in how I felt…
When first I dreamed of a love that could, my soul, steal.
I can be her lover, her sister, her friend, and her beacon.
There is potential within me that I must not let weaken…
For I am a lady as much as a lord, for I am whole inside.
I have embraced a greater balance, and in it I will abide!
Let no man judge me for choosing the path I must walk,
It was preordained how I would look and think and talk.
I cannot change and go back to being what is not myself,
For I am true to my nature and in that is priceless wealth.
On the morrow I shall hope to glimpse the dawning sun…
Like a child I shall behold it, and see the newness of day.
I was as giddy for the moon, when this night had begun…
For I must indulge both joys, since that was ever my way.
Shall I love the lad within you lass, with such lusty fervor?
What a complex thing the soul can be, and yet so simple!
I would have you see me as I truly am and thusly confer…
More joys upon you than one gender could ever be able.
-{ Maiden Man }-
A Meditation on My Soul
I have often heard it said, that one can help their nature,
Yet mine is not the hard ways of men, but far, far softer.
I was born in my heart like a maid, romantic, and loving…
Yet, this world often lacks the fairer gift of understanding.
They say men should be rough and rowdy, but I am not!
I have a gentler nature and I am given to: much thought…
Now my face and form are smooth, and I dress feminine.
Does that make me so wicked, for being who I truly am?
Human terms mean naught to one who is beyond them…
Whilst mortal eyes see but little: when they might so look.
Yet I have dreamed of things no mind can comprehend!
I have seen scriptures not written of in any sacred book.
Have you ever yearned with all your heart for any dream,
As, I have yearned to embrace a love with no limitations?
What beauty there is in fantasy: as bubbles in a stream…
The refinement of pleasure amidst joyous celebrations!
I have changed myself, to match my soul, for that is me…
And I shall carry myself, with a more enlightened dignity.
We are born to our nature, whatever that inclines us to!
God does not err, for was it not both as divine and true…
For me to be what I am inside and so display it, without?
And if I call Her my Goddess I will do so with no doubt.
I am what I was made to be, and I will love accordingly,
Mayhap a maid who will love me more, for my honesty!
Stretch forth your heart, as I bid, to embrace my spirit…
And I will be your illumination as you evolve beyond this,
The realm that would entrap and ensnare us as it sees fit!
Take my hand, and be the one to know my wanton kiss.
I am freedom, I am passion and I cannot be aught else…
Will she come to me, my dream lover, and become real?
I pray, that she will come to see the grace in how I felt…
When first I dreamed of a love that could, my soul, steal.
I can be her lover, her sister, her friend, and her beacon.
There is potential within me that I must not let weaken…
For I am a lady as much as a lord, for I am whole inside.
I have embraced a greater balance, and in it I will abide!
Let no man judge me for choosing the path I must walk,
It was preordained how I would look and think and talk.
I cannot change and go back to being what is not myself,
For I am true to my nature and in that is priceless wealth.
On the morrow I shall hope to glimpse the dawning sun…
Like a child I shall behold it, and see the newness of day.
I was as giddy for the moon, when this night had begun…
For I must indulge both joys, since that was ever my way.
Shall I love the lad within you lass, with such lusty fervor?
What a complex thing the soul can be, and yet so simple!
I would have you see me as I truly am and thusly confer…
More joys upon you than one gender could ever be able.
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
This is one to do with a memory I have from a past life, but the feelings I have for this man in the poem... my Kirimaru... are still powerful and strong in me. I met his reincarnation and we fell in love once again in this present life, and he's been helping me through some hard times lately. Our genders mean nothing, but our love is eternal!
- Sakura Garden Romance -
Based on some of my past-life memories…
In soft, caressing heat, of these summer months…
I am reminded of a passion I knew in another life.
And it causes me to blush red as cherry blossom!
In desire, I have long sought what my soul wants,
But my seeking has brought me chaos, and strife!
Even so, I bow before my fate, for it is awesome.
No less so is my heart, filled with so much hunger,
For love, for lust, for the fulfillment of my passion!
How I burn with it, consumed sometimes by this…
And yet I endure, and brave each distant thunder.
Long have I existed and persisted in such fashion!
Wandering like a Ronin in search of an ideal bliss.
I blush, as I recall his hand upon my soft bosom…
His face smooth, ever as beautiful as any maiden!
We stood in a garden, all filled with Sakura trees.
I was born a man, but chose to live as a woman…
Embracing beauty like a dream, never to awaken!
In his arms, I was a timid girl, with shaking knees.
His hands caressed the folds of my silk Hakama…
Whilst his breath was upon my hair, as I did gasp.
Kisses upon my neck, then around, upon my lips!
To him I was a princess out of some old drama…
I so felt like a goddess, in the heaven of his grasp.
We embraced, his hands finding, my slender hips!
Oh sweet love, what the Sakura garden beheld…
While in the heat of this night I remember it entire!
Like the petal of a flower, I felt so very delicate…
Though my hand, many times, a sword did wield.
I tried to think of poetry to match all my inner fire,
But when speaking of Heaven verse is inadequate.
I know not, what brought this back to me tonight!
Unbidden, it came into my mind, like a phantom…
A glimpse of an age now long ago, but never lost.
I welcome this memory of one moment of delight!
To my turbulent spirit, it is like an oasis, of calm…
Cooling the heat of the evening, like a gentle frost.
- Sakura Garden Romance -
Based on some of my past-life memories…
In soft, caressing heat, of these summer months…
I am reminded of a passion I knew in another life.
And it causes me to blush red as cherry blossom!
In desire, I have long sought what my soul wants,
But my seeking has brought me chaos, and strife!
Even so, I bow before my fate, for it is awesome.
No less so is my heart, filled with so much hunger,
For love, for lust, for the fulfillment of my passion!
How I burn with it, consumed sometimes by this…
And yet I endure, and brave each distant thunder.
Long have I existed and persisted in such fashion!
Wandering like a Ronin in search of an ideal bliss.
I blush, as I recall his hand upon my soft bosom…
His face smooth, ever as beautiful as any maiden!
We stood in a garden, all filled with Sakura trees.
I was born a man, but chose to live as a woman…
Embracing beauty like a dream, never to awaken!
In his arms, I was a timid girl, with shaking knees.
His hands caressed the folds of my silk Hakama…
Whilst his breath was upon my hair, as I did gasp.
Kisses upon my neck, then around, upon my lips!
To him I was a princess out of some old drama…
I so felt like a goddess, in the heaven of his grasp.
We embraced, his hands finding, my slender hips!
Oh sweet love, what the Sakura garden beheld…
While in the heat of this night I remember it entire!
Like the petal of a flower, I felt so very delicate…
Though my hand, many times, a sword did wield.
I tried to think of poetry to match all my inner fire,
But when speaking of Heaven verse is inadequate.
I know not, what brought this back to me tonight!
Unbidden, it came into my mind, like a phantom…
A glimpse of an age now long ago, but never lost.
I welcome this memory of one moment of delight!
To my turbulent spirit, it is like an oasis, of calm…
Cooling the heat of the evening, like a gentle frost.
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14617
Guardian of Shadows

Forum Posts: 14617
old one..
The second coming
Having a few drinks
up the town, a couple of nights ago
an old friend dropped by
wanting to tell the world
that his name was now Stella
and that he, (never one
to beat about the bush
'cos he just didn't like 'em)
would rather pole-vault his way
to a good time, than get bogged down
in what he called
"The Venus fly trap"
and that was fine with me
I mean, it's not like
he walked in with just a sheet
wrapped around himself
and a big wooden cross 'round his neck
like he was ready for some sermon
that he'd feed the world twice over
with a bucket of chicken
no, at the very worst
this is just one of them moments
where God will tell him
to sort himself out
else there's the danger
of the whole burning in hell thing
for the rest of eternity
such is life now though
that perhaps these happenings
are of little consequence (if any)
yes, Stella was a grand fellow
but perhaps she'll make
an even better friend as a Lady.
The second coming
Having a few drinks
up the town, a couple of nights ago
an old friend dropped by
wanting to tell the world
that his name was now Stella
and that he, (never one
to beat about the bush
'cos he just didn't like 'em)
would rather pole-vault his way
to a good time, than get bogged down
in what he called
"The Venus fly trap"
and that was fine with me
I mean, it's not like
he walked in with just a sheet
wrapped around himself
and a big wooden cross 'round his neck
like he was ready for some sermon
that he'd feed the world twice over
with a bucket of chicken
no, at the very worst
this is just one of them moments
where God will tell him
to sort himself out
else there's the danger
of the whole burning in hell thing
for the rest of eternity
such is life now though
that perhaps these happenings
are of little consequence (if any)
yes, Stella was a grand fellow
but perhaps she'll make
an even better friend as a Lady.
Avenging Angel
Joined 18th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 295
Avenging Angel
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 295
She loves me,
I love her.
My one desire,
Her fire glowing so bright.
Her pain makes me cry.
How could such a beautiful creature carry so much darkness?
I'm attracted to her light like a moth,
But this source won't turn off.
She's lovely,
I can't resist.
I know I've said it before,
But I just can't help it.
She holds my heart in captivity.
She's my dark princess.
I love her.
My one desire,
Her fire glowing so bright.
Her pain makes me cry.
How could such a beautiful creature carry so much darkness?
I'm attracted to her light like a moth,
But this source won't turn off.
She's lovely,
I can't resist.
I know I've said it before,
But I just can't help it.
She holds my heart in captivity.
She's my dark princess.