Social Anxiety

In a crowd of people,
with my eyes locked on my phone,
wishing i was here alone,
but no..
I am surrounded by small talk,
i wish i could just walk around the block
never stop,
as the time ticks on,
I am sorry but  I am just not that strong,
I want to say something though,
we all go though shit i know,
but i am paralyzed by the unknown,
I got a frog in my throat,
a bandage on my soul,
maybe i should go,
but you want me to stay,
suck it up and start to play the part,
look smart and well put together,
but my body slightly shakes like a feather caught in stormy weather,
my thoughts bounce off each other,
words slip out of mouth,
my face turns red,
please excuse me and just forget what i said,
I can't blame the trauma,
but i promise i don't wanna be like this,
Living in a regret,
one day i will get over it,
but for now just forget I am here.
so near but never farther,
something like a martyr,
something i will never be a part of

(written in 10 minutes with little proof reading. I apologize for any errors, I will come back and correct them later but i needed to get this off my chest)
Written by gazellemon (Bradley J)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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