Image for the poem melancholy

melancholy's child

sorrow in melancholy hues
rains gently within my soul
filling little indigo pools of sadness
I sit and reflect on this stillness of being

solemnly I collect my thoughts
and write them down in my diary of pain
within pages of memory, my heart awakens

to feel again...
after the emptiness took hold

tiny flowers of regret
bloom in my shade
I look at them fondly
they prove I'm alive

I ached over the years
but no tears kissed my face
not in touch with my emotions
my melancholy lake was frozen

I stir the waters slowly
as the dawning happens
an awakening inside me

my sacred halls sing with repressed grief
my inner girl comes forth from the shadows

she cries to me...

it's been so long since I've seen you
Mistress of the light will you come into acceptance?
big tears roll down my face with the knowing
I was hurting this long with no relief on my horizons

my little girl forlorn and forgotten
carried my pain without complaint
in her hands, she held a great mirror
she said look inside and find yourself there

I look deeply and find the woman evolving in truth
out of the shadows and into the light
melancholy flavoring my soul so beautifully

then I turn and embrace the child shining so brightly
I tell her as one we will conquer the darkness

Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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