Image for the poem don

don't love me, she said

Lola.  maybe she was meant to be a hooker –
she had the right name for the job.

I write, to purge the past & discourage the future.
it’s a survival trigger, keeping me bound at my table
composing, so I’m not on the streets searching for Lola.

she was crassly typical of the hardcore whore: her wardrobe
was strictly Fredericks of Hollywood & the obscene secrets of
Victoria. she employed heavy makeup, a mordant, China-doll
distortion. her eyes, always too dark, her lips, too red. it was
her camouflage, she said. so God wouldn’t recognize her.

her talents weren’t restricted to her sexual skills; she could
regale a man with tales of her lurid past, for the proper
exchange of cash. just like her mouth, her ass, & her cunt,
everything had a pricetag.

I’ve trespassed in the shadowy places, where she cries when
she confronts her ugly sister who lives in the mirror. she weeps
for the sins that fester on her flesh like warts. for the wild girl
who couldn’t control the fire that blazed in the deep sanctum
of her lust; the raging need that drove her to a man’s bed, any
man, until it became the dominant force of her life.

she looks at that sorrowful woman, that harlot, & sees ugliness.
I see only beauty.

I pay to be with her, & I am sick, physically sick, when I’m away
from her. in the futile embrace of my passion, she has warned:
‘don’t love me.’ & when I have written too long into the night, &
I am drunk with too much whiskey, I epiphanize, by the madness
of my contemptible heart

first, she is the lover. then she is the loneliness…

Written by JohnFeddeler
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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