Irrelevant Fish


Below the sheer shimmers are the irrelevant fish, tiny darts in black.
Above, coffee amblers shake off pastry crumbs and bold sparrows.

She comes dressed in plump patterned skirts, dappled sorrels and creams;
a shuffle, hip jostled, on the flattest of angled rocks framing the pier.

Two tawnies appear, slink purring amid dry piles of careful vittles,
tails allongé. She is still, a sanguine center for feline pirouettes.

Grey mountains hold court, throned in stone, over unrolled indigo,
while the young worship Eros with sun-filled bench kisses.

The boats, the blue, the bay, the view... celebrated in high resolution.
The dancers and her grace are disguised as inconsequential.

Written by Atakti
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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