u_p_s (Adam3395)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (9)
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Relationship Status Single
Member Since 16th January 2012
u_p_s joined 4817 days ago and last visited 2618 days ago
Comments 22
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Poet Introduction

I tend to write about the things that are most prevalent, and use my poems as a way of looking at myself in a 3rd person perspective. I used to write more dark poems, but it seems I've shifted away from that and tend to write down thoughts and feelings.

About Me

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Hey my name is Adam. I'm eighteen, and I've been playing guitar for close to 4 years now. Music and poetry have become very prevalent things in my life now, and has helped me to shape and mold myself into the person I am today. They have become my voice, and I couldn't see it any other way. I listen to many varieties of music, too many to categorize, and love any form of expression, whether it be written, spoken, drawn, sculpted, or composed and played.

My Reading List

Fluctuations by JamieCummins
The Wonders of Weed by Jimmyos
Cellar Dweller by Jimmyos
Where angels and devils don't roam by Atropabelladonna (Atro)

Poets I Follow
