princeluteia (Luteia)

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Birthday 19th May
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Member Since 14th August 2018
princeluteia joined 2314 days ago and last visited 1071 days ago
Comments 4
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Poet Introduction

I have competed at a provincial level for slam poetry and I enjoy writing poetry about all sorts of things. I am also fictionkind as well as generally alterhuman, and I don't intend on shutting up about it anytime soon. It greatly influences my work.

About Me

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Remake of my old account, @LocketShoru.
I am 20, aromantic bisexual, transmasc, and genderfluid. Slytherin, INTP, melancholic, earth, always stuck in fantasy. Fae/faer or he/him pronouns, please. I'm not looking for rudeness or anything like that. Concrit is okay but be nice, yeah? If you want to take inspiration from my poetry / straight up rewrite one of my poems in your own style, that's cool, but show me I wanna see.
Also, I say 'fuck' a lot.