
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (6)
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Member Since 28th October 2020
juliabaker joined 1404 days ago and last visited 272 days ago
Comments 8
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Poet Introduction

Favorite Poets/Writers

Langston Hughes

About Me

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I’ve been writing poetry since I was 12 years old and have grown tremendously over the years. I took a break from writing, but recently started back up.

I enjoy capturing the inner turmoils of the suffering and hurt, exploring darker topics of death in its many forms, and trying to make those topics seem as devastatingly beautiful as possible.

I render my style after Langston Hughes and my earlier works after Robert Frost.

My Reading List

Carnal Nights by ReggiePoet (Reggie)
devourment by CanisInc-Untis
breath by Indie (Miss Indie)

My Themes