
Fire of Insight
United States
Read Poems (97)
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Age 75
Member Since 21st April 2019
elsiesan joined 2070 days ago and last visited 5 days ago
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Poet Introduction

"A poem's Signature is the unique ability of the author to strike fire."  elsiesan

About Me

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I have never studied poetry.  Never really even had much interest until April 2019.  Had a knack for writing, just not poetry.

I had encouragement to write and so i did. My first poem "My Redemption"  was monstrously long. It is a piece that really tells who I am, what I am, and how I need it to be. It is an expose' of my entire life, if you can read between the lines.

I am pleased to be here. My desire at this time in my life is to become a writer of substance. I want to convey who I am and somehow reach into the depths of the reader's psyche. I want to cause growth. I have a lot to say and truly enjoy the poetic method of conveyance.

I am intuitively insightful, as well as intuitively intelligent. I do not contain, nor do I maintain a lot of stuff in my mind. I have no desire to be a walking encyclopedia of facts and figures.