ceffs (Creg Effs)

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Member Since 1st January 2024
ceffs joined 270 days ago and last visited 4 days ago
Comments 24
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Poet Introduction

He published his debut anthology, "Once, Twice, Three Times a Charm", in February 2020 and later also self-published his second poetry anthology "So Many Things Mean Love”, in September 2020.

About Me

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Creg Effs was born in Kingston, Jamaica, on November 19, 1977. He currently resides in St. Thomas, Jamaica where he serves as Chaiman of the Board of Flemming’s Basic School. He has been a firefighter for the past 20 years and has been in network marketing since 2012, where he has had some success. Creg is also a Motivational Speaker, Workshop Facilitator, and youth mentor. He has received many awards and recognitions for his dedication to service. He has had his poetry published in The Cambridge-Hall Poetry Journal and 2020: The Year in Poetry.

My Reading List

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Unholy Scent by LilDragonFly
Snow Laden by LilDragonFly
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sing by SweetKittyCat5
Risque by LilDragonFly

Poets I Follow
