
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (5)
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Birthday 1st August
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 7th May 2012
bvbgirl joined 4707 days ago and last visited 4676 days ago
Comments 3
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Poet Introduction

My poems are about life and usually show everything going through my mind. I also write things that are like stories but in poem form. Hope you enjoy them

About Me

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Hey I'm leanne. I wear skinnies and band shirts that's how I roll haha. I love listening to music. It's what keeps me going. I love writing as well. It's my way to get everything in my head out. I either write it or type it either one works for me. I write poetic stories and then regular stories and then ofcourse poems. I love meeting and talking to new people. I'm known as the girl Dr. Phill because I'm amazing at helping others but I suck at taking care of my own. So poems are the things that describe everything in my head. I write songs to. So yeah.. Don't know what else to put here so byees.

My Reading List

three months since by hatterwithhorns (Julian)

Poets I Follow
