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Poet Introduction
I have some damn bad intentions and can see the world in more than 25 dimensions, but I know what I am and although I seek no approval you may think what you like.
Favorite Poets/Writers
Poe, Langston HughsAbout Me
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[color=Red]I am here and so are you but we are not always together. Just know I exist and try to be satisfied with that small fact because you don't deserve anything more.[/color]
My Reading List
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cloudy days and cold nights
by deepthreat1490
But you are worth the wait
by deepthreat1490
Water Goddess
by crimsin (Unveiling)
For Sir
by crimsin (Unveiling)
The Wolf
by Mechemist (Tony Moncada)
Orgasm of a Third Kind
by Mechemist (Tony Moncada)
Poets I Follow


Lost Thinker