
Thought Provoker
Read Poems (63)
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Age 61
Member Since 3rd December 2021
Whyme joined 1187 days ago and last visited 931 days ago
Comments 387
Forum Posts 0
Group Posts 234

Poet Introduction

I'd like to apologise to all the friends I've made on here for my absence. Life can be tirning at times Love and peace 💜💜💜🙏🙏

Favorite Poets/Writers

John B Keane, AJ Forton,,Emily Hayes,, too many to mention

About Me

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I've been on here now a short while and I've come to realise that there are so many wonderful people/poets on here.
I'm definitely out of my league. I've laughed and cried over some of them.
I had thought about leaving here but I've made friends and shared laughs. I don't want to loose that.
Just want to thank you for your warm welcome and allowing me to post my scribbles on here💜💜💜

Average Joe no soap, alive but not living, struggling but not caring.
Devoid of, mostly any moral compass,
Father and partner to two loved ones.
Both tamed and house trained, I can now be almost trusted to live a "normal" life as long as my deep deviant desires are hidden from and denied by society and family alike. I can be trusted.
Were it not for the hurricane that rampaged through my life ten years ago and decimated my Jericho walls. She howled and screamed and laughed and cried and held me as my walls came tumbling down, were it not for her, I would not have it in me to write.
To You my Love, my Life, my Goddess, I kneel before you. I am, I always will be, Yours

My Reading List

Full Reading List
BIRTHDAY by archie23
The tao of two hearts by Bluevelvete
One two two one by Oracle19
Labyrinth of Cages by Debdeb
Tori by Ms-Krissy (II RAWR II)

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (23)