UnholyCurse (Unholy One)

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Birthday 15th May
Member Since 28th July 2011
UnholyCurse joined 4965 days ago and last visited 245 days ago
Comments 23
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Poet Introduction

In the abyss of words, where nightmares creep,I dwell as a poet, weaving through the deep.With a quill of shadows and ink of screams,I craft tales of terror and midnight's schemes.

Favorite Poets/Writers

William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Elizabeth Dickinson, Pablo Neruda and many more.

About Me

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Welcome to the darker side of creativity. I'm Unholy One, a poet and a Musician who delves into the shadows to craft tales that linger long after the final word. I draw inspiration from the shadows of everyday life and the darker aspects of human nature. My creative process involves immersing myself in the macabre, whether through reading, exploration, or simply pondering the fears that lurk in the human mind.