Ravenheart-Tanika (Nika)

Twisted Dreamer
South Africa
Read Poems (29)
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Member Since 6th January 2012
Ravenheart-Tanika joined 4832 days ago and last visited 4076 days ago
Comments 84
Forum Posts 35
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Poet Introduction

My style is usually freestyle.. It's the best way I can describe my view fully.. Every poem that I write is special to me, and I mean what I write!

Favorite Poets/Writers

Ezra Pound :D

About Me

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Hmmm very quite, deep, thoughtful, definitely open-minded. I guess I have a mystic touch. Twisted sense of humor. Love magic related stuff, dark stuff, mysticism. Etc. I want to study psychology. I am fascinated by the way we exist... Anyways I'm really friendly, and from the first time you chat to me you can chat to me about almost ANYTHING. I will not be judgmental, or analyze/criticize you. Sorry if I don't say thanks to all of you for everything or read all your poems... Don't know where to start! But I'm sure if you tried your best it is a great piece of work!

    And the days are not full enough
And the nights are not full enough
And life slips by like a field mouse
     Not shaking the grass -Ezra Pound-

My Reading List

The Art Of A Woman by Atropabelladonna (Atro)
It's A Sin to be a Philosopher. by Chandler (Gleana Snipoms)
Rose Tinted Glasses by Nameless_Traveler (Andrew Kerklaan)
Scale between 1 and 10 by keys_and_gloves

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (12)