
Lost Thinker
South Africa
Read Poems (53)
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Member Since 25th February 2013
OneLove joined 4408 days ago and last visited 2922 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Favorite Poets/Writers

Not really a fan of steriotypical poets coz I thier shit is far too

About Me

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These about yourself empty spaces are intimidating as hell haha.

But Ima try.

I'm 24 Years old. Been writing poetry for the last year or so. Actually started writing cause I felt like nobody could relate to me on the deepest of levels. Kinda like "yeah I hear you" but not "I feel you".

So yeah poetry has given me that outlet to write the things I observe and ponder. Sometime they make sense other times the don't. Sometime I don't really know what it is that I'm actually trying to say. But writing gives you that freedom of expression. Which in turn gives you a window in which you can look into yourself from the outside.

My writing style is not cast in stone. Sometimes my pieces read like raps. I love writing with different caps on. Sometimes I'll write with the voice of a philosopher, an enquiring mind, a child, a brother, a metphysical being or even a comedian.

Most of the shit I've written comes from personal experiences or something that sparked a deep thought in my mind.

I love painting abstract images with words. Kinda like giving you half a picture and the other half is something you have to ponder on to piece the whole thing together. Almost everything I write flys over most peoples heads. The "Shall I compare thee to a summers day" poetry is too simple and is a snorefest. I give you complex food for thought.

There you have it. All you need to know about me and what to expect.

One Love.

My Reading List

Oh My... by Angel_Of_Darkness (Rune L)