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Poet Introduction
an aspiring street poet, I am working hard at it and I am studying every style, experimenting as much as I can, poetry like music is an art form of communication that takes a great deal of skill to be effective.. I aspire to reach that plateau.
Favorite Poets/Writers
Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Stephen King, John Carpenter, Edgar Allan PoeAbout Me
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I've lived and extremely eventful and very interesting life, I grew up rough and have been a witness to just about anything you can imagine, sometimes you have no choice but to participate, to be totally honest with you I am lucky that I'm not in prison or dead, I am graciously thankful that neither one of those apply..
I carry two trade certificates and one journeyman's card as a Tool and Die Maker, my favorite position was as a benefits rep for General Motors UAW members.
My basic education was in the street, I had a difficult childhood, I went to five different grade schools and five different high schools.. I was incorrigible.
Even though I have a hard and dark side to myself I have always enjoyed the softer things in life especially the Performing Arts, although I tested very high as far as IQ's are concerned as a young fellow.. I use that intelligence to do things that were nonconducive to being a productive citizen...
In 1996, I was almost killed and in 1999 my daughter was born, those two events collectively change the way that I lived my live.
As now I have grown, and, I have learned to grab every audiobook that I can on psychology, philosophy and sociology.
I carry two trade certificates and one journeyman's card as a Tool and Die Maker, my favorite position was as a benefits rep for General Motors UAW members.
My basic education was in the street, I had a difficult childhood, I went to five different grade schools and five different high schools.. I was incorrigible.
Even though I have a hard and dark side to myself I have always enjoyed the softer things in life especially the Performing Arts, although I tested very high as far as IQ's are concerned as a young fellow.. I use that intelligence to do things that were nonconducive to being a productive citizen...
In 1996, I was almost killed and in 1999 my daughter was born, those two events collectively change the way that I lived my live.
As now I have grown, and, I have learned to grab every audiobook that I can on psychology, philosophy and sociology.
My Reading List
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I write poetry
by Lazy_Dead (.Julia.)
Every Road Leads Somewhere
by TimWombles
Picnic in the park
by badmalthus (Harry Rout)
by badmalthus (Harry Rout)
So it goes...
by badmalthus (Harry Rout)
by Stoney223 (WOLF BAY33)
Poets I Follow
All Poets I Follow (34)





Thought Provoker