
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (18)
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Age 47
Relationship Status Taken
Member Since 1st March 2013
NeighborhoodPoet joined 4226 days ago and last visited 3962 days ago
Comments 4
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Poet Introduction

It's your boy, the NeighborHood Poet bringing you the real.

About Me

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I've started to write poetry about my life in 2001. From 2001 until the present day, I've accumulated 14 books.

"Either Love Me or Leave Me Alone" (Published)
"I'm Free From Confinement"
"My Story, My Life"
"Poetry & Rhymes"
"Lucky 7"
"Harlem, Tennessee"
"My Mistress, Poetry"
"The Neighborhood Poet"
"I Love Me, Myself and You"

My goals is to network and hopefully meet someone who can help take my books to the next level.