Mocknbird (Still-Here)

Strange Creature
United States
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Birthday 16th August
Relationship Status Other
Member Since 29th August 2024
Mocknbird joined 21 days ago and last visited 21 days ago
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Poet Introduction

I have no written or spoken poetry i can claim as my own. My skills lie elsewhere.

Favorite Poets/Writers

MysteriousGirl, Dafoe, Clavell, Tolkien, King, Dickens, Austen, Terhune

About Me

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Just a person with no particular literary talent;
Here to appreciate the works of those who do have a particularly touching or remarkable skilled literary talent.
Hoping to find the works of kindred spirits who's writing feels familiar to the soul, is haunting and/or captivating.

My Reading List

MY Dark Side by MYSTERIOUS_GIRL (Lizzy_3164)

Poets I Follow