Makeesha (Ashley Power)

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Read Poems (24)
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Birthday 30th April
Relationship Status Taken
Member Since 2nd August 2010
Makeesha joined 5326 days ago and last visited 2378 days ago
Comments 12
Forum Posts 37
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I am an emotional writer who writes about a range of subjects, sometimes delving on the perverse, suicidal, gory or just plain weird =]

Favorite Poets/Writers

Rupert Brooke, Siegfried Sassoon, William Blake,Virginia Woolfe, Robert Browning, My poetry group :)

About Me

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I am 31 years old
I am 5'11, Loud and Out Going.
I live in England and have done for the last 18 years but I am actually Canadian.
I write poetry (hence why I am here!) and I currently have 97 poems and have had 12 poems published in books with Forward Poetry and I have also self published my first novel "Wolflings" on Amazon! ( Check it out!)
I am a mother to 2 wonderful little girls who are almost 11 and 9 and I am engaged to be wed in 2020! XD

I am a fiesty and stubborn person who likes to argue even when I'm wrong (but I can admit it) and I like making up afterwards. I am a little scatterbrained and it takes a bit of time for me to focus on things and how I feel, but I am willing to bend over backwards to help anybody and as much as I can waffle on and talk, I am a very good listener and am always there for other people.

My Reading List

Black Widow Butterfly by orochimaru2072 (Orochi)
Peeking out behind glazed eyes by Thelittlerecluse
Until The Rain Returns by lostprophet (LostProphetJon)
Empty night by bedfordgal

Poets I Follow
