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Poet Introduction
Favorite Poets/Writers
William Blake, Emily Dickinson, John KeatsAbout Me
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Tell all the truth but tell it slant
--Emily Dickinson
Mock not my obsessions,
from the sublime to the every day,
I pray with Keats and Emily in Blake's church.
--Emily Dickinson
Mock not my obsessions,
from the sublime to the every day,
I pray with Keats and Emily in Blake's church.
My Reading List
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Glimpses of the Universe
by NewBeginnings
No One For Me (Donna Michelle)
by hammind (sarahjean)
The Veronica Paradox
by hammind (sarahjean)
alien planet
by Daffodil32
Unravel Me....
by BSavvy
Breaking Up
by silentmoonlghtx
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Twisted Dreamer