BlackBoxPublicatio (Adeshina Lawal)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (41)
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Member Since 4th February 2020
BlackBoxPublicatio joined 1857 days ago and last visited 172 days ago
Comments 19
Forum Posts 10
Group Posts 21

Poet Introduction

I'm not white, but I'm not black. I'm not Nigerian but I'm not American. I'm not Republican, but I'm definitely not a Democrat. I'm an American African and I straddle the fence. I'm constantly in defense of who I am perceived to be.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Niccolo Machiavelli, Edgar Allan Poe, Plato, Ben Franklin, and Frederick Douglass.

About Me

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Hello everyone! My name is Adeshina Lawal and I love your interest in Millennial
Philosophy. I am from Atlanta Georgia, and am known as a Grady Baby- if you know about
Atlanta you may have heard that phrase. Both my parents are from Nigeria and came to the
United States in the 80's. They Came to America looking for the American Dream. I see this
book as a peak into being the byproduct of first-generation Nigerian-American culture. I've seen
some interesting things in my life so I took the opportunity to write Millennial Philosophy to
sketch out my thoughts on different matters.

I have participated in a variety of organizations both nonprofit and for profit. I had the
pleasure of participating in Barack Obama's first campaign in 2008 and have since worked on a
few political campaigns. I've worked with organizations like the ACLU and have worked in
management in the restaurant industry. I have studied many different principles in business as
well as religion. I have been a part of multiple radio shows to include Students With Analytical
Tact, an online radio show with Clayton State Internet Radio. I have also written with a variety of
online publications. I take every opportunity I can to question the status quo and Millennial
Philosophy was definitely one of those moments.
Creating Black Box Publications is another example of taking such an opportunity. I
believe that there are a lot of people out there who would love to take the opportunity to write a
book of their own. The process is so fulfilling. I figured it would be in good taste to create
another outlet for writers to share in a collective voice. It is my hope that I can share my
experience in creating Millennial Philosophy: Thoughts Expanded with others and we share in
growing our personal value.