BaldyBrown (Sordid and Sacred)

Strange Creature
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Age 63
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Member Since 17th October 2024
BaldyBrown joined 0 days ago and last visited today
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Poet Introduction

Philosophical, existential, murky and otherwise erotic blitherings that never say just one thing. I find a familiar voice in reverse psychology, silence, unsettling music, taboo sexual subcultures, unseen realities and brutal transparency.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edna St.Vincent Millay/Amanda Goreman/Malcolm Gladwell/Dr.Seuss/Billy Shakespeare

About Me

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A freshly minted retiree living a pretty surreal life of minimalism and voluntary symplicity in Thailand, with an amazing Thai woman. But retirement doesn't look too good on me, because I'm broke and there's still too much in my basement. Baldy Brown is a psuedonymn, because I value what those whom I give a damn think of me. I also post stuff on Substack under the name, Whats Going On Underground. That would'ne been my name here but alas... too many letters.

My bachelols is in Evangelical Christian Theology but my background is in interior carpentry and cabinetry, graphic design, retail paint sales, and food truck vending. Call me a sampler, I'm fine with that.