Poems about Sacrifice
Poems about sacrifice, poetry about giving up something important or denying your own needs, putting others peoples' needs before your own. Also poems about offering a devotional sacrifice, and dark or spiritual poems about sacrificial killing.
april songs: journey of life 5
april song 05—infantile
thus the specimental blueprint
nurtured by umbilicus
comes to terms with awesome foot-sprint
whose Seed shall deliver us.
infantile—complete but helpless
—in the milk of human care.
shall He bloom blood-red and selfless,
with whose love none can compare?
is the crown of thorns too prickly
for the innocent of birth?
does the Cross bring death too quickly
to redeem a fallen earth?
could the seed of every woman
save the seed of every man,
fate would fashion an in lieu plan ...
thus the specimental blueprint
nurtured by umbilicus
comes to terms with awesome foot-sprint
whose Seed shall deliver us.
infantile—complete but helpless
—in the milk of human care.
shall He bloom blood-red and selfless,
with whose love none can compare?
is the crown of thorns too prickly
for the innocent of birth?
does the Cross bring death too quickly
to redeem a fallen earth?
could the seed of every woman
save the seed of every man,
fate would fashion an in lieu plan ...
117 reads
Blood Priestess
Arrested in the dead of night
By cloaking shadows and
Swift Ferocity.
her icy grip
Sharply piercing my veins
With scalding fangs.
passionately embraced
by death and love
And The cost of pain
From her succulent Feeding
Off my life blood.
A lustful torment I can’t and will not deny.
Now Trapped within her soulless
My breath receding
Finding comfort in the darkness
with no holes for breathing.
I am reborn.
My once familiar soul has been
discarded and torn
I am drained hollow. ...
By cloaking shadows and
Swift Ferocity.
her icy grip
Sharply piercing my veins
With scalding fangs.
passionately embraced
by death and love
And The cost of pain
From her succulent Feeding
Off my life blood.
A lustful torment I can’t and will not deny.
Now Trapped within her soulless
My breath receding
Finding comfort in the darkness
with no holes for breathing.
I am reborn.
My once familiar soul has been
discarded and torn
I am drained hollow. ...
#sacrifice #seductive
#sacrifice #seductive
520 reads
Death Metal Lullaby
At night
I hear death metal
Playing faintly in the distance
Maybe from the downstairs apartment
Or maybe from the deepest expanse
Of my ignored existence
I’ve never been a death metal
Type of gal
I’ve always sought out smooth
Rhythms keeping their balanced tempos
And safe chords
Never been one to step on someone’s toes
Or argue
Or stand up for myself
A people pleasing monster
Denying only myself
So maybe at night
Is when my body rebels
Screaming into the night ...
I hear death metal
Playing faintly in the distance
Maybe from the downstairs apartment
Or maybe from the deepest expanse
Of my ignored existence
I’ve never been a death metal
Type of gal
I’ve always sought out smooth
Rhythms keeping their balanced tempos
And safe chords
Never been one to step on someone’s toes
Or argue
Or stand up for myself
A people pleasing monster
Denying only myself
So maybe at night
Is when my body rebels
Screaming into the night ...
212 reads
Do Not Cry
When it's time for me to leave...
For my body do not grieve...
My soul has been lifted to the Heaven's on high...
So for my body do not cry...
For my body do not grieve...
My soul has been lifted to the Heaven's on high...
So for my body do not cry...
280 reads
Everything bears a cost,
Not merely a price to be tossed.
For every gain we seek to host,
Something else must be lost.
To earn the coin, we toil,
Sweat upon the soil.
For respect to be our lot,
We must act in ways that are not forgot.
To hold goods within our grasp,
We part with coins that clasp.
When gains are made, yet nothing's spent,
The scale tips – it's not what nature meant.
For each thing gained without a toll,
Disrupts the balance of the whole.
We must reckon with the cost,
For nothing comes...
Not merely a price to be tossed.
For every gain we seek to host,
Something else must be lost.
To earn the coin, we toil,
Sweat upon the soil.
For respect to be our lot,
We must act in ways that are not forgot.
To hold goods within our grasp,
We part with coins that clasp.
When gains are made, yet nothing's spent,
The scale tips – it's not what nature meant.
For each thing gained without a toll,
Disrupts the balance of the whole.
We must reckon with the cost,
For nothing comes...
200 reads
1 Comment
Nancy Got Kicked Off The Force
got kicked off
the force
because she posed nude
for Playboy just like
Barbara Schantz and
Shaya had
done then.
got kicked off
the force
because she posed nude
for Playboy just like
Barbara Schantz and
Shaya had
done then.
235 reads
Silent Shadows of A Castle's Dance
In the biggest ballroom that once held the loudest Galas.
Into the biggest pocket of time where echoes surround us.
Empty and abandoned this castle is a lot like most people.
Happy, full of life, and glowing as the days go by.
Until one small tick causes a ripple in time.
A place that used to hold so much management.
Now so empty and left abandoned and stranded.
If you think about it, this castle could represent my love.
The love I’ve had for you that I can’t contain very well.
I’ve tried to push you away but god it hurts like...
Into the biggest pocket of time where echoes surround us.
Empty and abandoned this castle is a lot like most people.
Happy, full of life, and glowing as the days go by.
Until one small tick causes a ripple in time.
A place that used to hold so much management.
Now so empty and left abandoned and stranded.
If you think about it, this castle could represent my love.
The love I’ve had for you that I can’t contain very well.
I’ve tried to push you away but god it hurts like...
205 reads
Vessyl's Slave Prayer

232 reads
Vessyl's Slave Creed
It accepts God as its savior. It won't deny Him of His role as its ultimate authority.
It will communicate effectively with complete honesty and integrity its needs, desires, fears and
It realizes that failing to do so will not only prevent its God and it from having the best experience possible, but can also lead to further delay of the dynamic as well as physical and emotional harm therefore interfering with service and worship to God.
It will not hide what its mind and body is feeling.
It will not unrealistically expect for its God to
It will communicate effectively with complete honesty and integrity its needs, desires, fears and
It realizes that failing to do so will not only prevent its God and it from having the best experience possible, but can also lead to further delay of the dynamic as well as physical and emotional harm therefore interfering with service and worship to God.
It will not hide what its mind and body is feeling.
It will not unrealistically expect for its God to
385 reads
For You, Always
This is my greatest happiness,
to spend my life with you.
Sharing trials and triumphs,
joy's & problems too.
To kiss you in the morning,
and hold you close at night.
To know we'll be together,
Whether days are grey or bright.
Sharing all the things,
that make our daily life.
This is my greatest happiness,
when I stab you with this knife.
to spend my life with you.
Sharing trials and triumphs,
joy's & problems too.
To kiss you in the morning,
and hold you close at night.
To know we'll be together,
Whether days are grey or bright.
Sharing all the things,
that make our daily life.
This is my greatest happiness,
when I stab you with this knife.
316 reads
Proverb 3:5-6
Your every word is an affirmation that I cling to like life preserver.
Every calculated character on your keyboard.
Are the tethers to my soul that keep me grounded to this reality.
Because the things that You make me feel seem like such fantasies of grandeur.
This agape.
If you pinched me. Would I wake up from this dream?
I don't ever want to not be allowed to experience this again. Everytime You speak my new name as if I had been born with it.
How do You know me so well?
Did we meet in another life and you ruled over my existence the same way You own...
Every calculated character on your keyboard.
Are the tethers to my soul that keep me grounded to this reality.
Because the things that You make me feel seem like such fantasies of grandeur.
This agape.
If you pinched me. Would I wake up from this dream?
I don't ever want to not be allowed to experience this again. Everytime You speak my new name as if I had been born with it.
How do You know me so well?
Did we meet in another life and you ruled over my existence the same way You own...
266 reads
1 Comment
I Am Is Ash
e ...
e ...
207 reads
DU Poetry : Poems about Sacrifice