Least Read Poems About Rivers
Least read poems about rivers. Find an undiscovered masterpiece in the DU Poetry least read poems.
there no more refrains
of names
like Place of Circling Waters
where the swallows frenzy
during this curious
slit of
swarms swerve
clamor chaos
at least
to me and sensible
of names
like Place of Circling Waters
where the swallows frenzy
during this curious
slit of
swarms swerve
clamor chaos
at least
to me and sensible
21 reads
Under the moon light
Here I am as I am in a place of pure calmness and tranquility, with the quiteness of the moon reflection, upon the peaceful waters, as they flow so peacefully up stream. For sure it's here and now I feel the tension leaving my mind, and heart and spiritual subconsciousness of my soul. As it eliminates to the point there's no hurt and no pain, only the deepness of being replaced by the sounds of the quiet waters, drifting with the winds of time. For even as I feel this great sensation, I begin to inhale and exhale out the negativity, from my subconscious of my deepest thoughts of healing,...
37 reads
DU Poetry : Least Read Poems About Rivers