Poems About Motherhood Seeking Honest Critique
Poems about motherhood seeking honest critique. Honest feedback has been requested for these poems.
Dont try to dry my golden tears
As I sat before the doctor, the expectation of bad news fell like thunder drops of rain, so unfair the inner shudder like the chiller door left open, was this the ultimate aria of the opera, the heroine falling into the arms of her lover still besotted yet condemned.
The physician looking at the test results and declaring "it seems to be positive". the years of questions the unwanted sympathy that hangs on one like a web of guilt. it now seemed to float just beyond comprehension. Some trick, a distortion hiding behind what was always tomorrow expectations, always turning up at...
The physician looking at the test results and declaring "it seems to be positive". the years of questions the unwanted sympathy that hangs on one like a web of guilt. it now seemed to float just beyond comprehension. Some trick, a distortion hiding behind what was always tomorrow expectations, always turning up at...
98 reads
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Necessary Parting
October 4, 2024
Yesterday was harder than I thought it would be. Handing Ava over to David and his wife felt like I was tearing a piece of my heart out and watching it walk away. For five months, she's been my constant companion, my little girl who needed me for everything — especially the comfort and nourishment of breastfeeding. It's been an intimate bond, one that I never thought I'd be able to break, even temporarily.
But after the abortion, everything feels different. The decision to go out of state for the procedure wasn't easy, but it was necessary. I keep telling...
Yesterday was harder than I thought it would be. Handing Ava over to David and his wife felt like I was tearing a piece of my heart out and watching it walk away. For five months, she's been my constant companion, my little girl who needed me for everything — especially the comfort and nourishment of breastfeeding. It's been an intimate bond, one that I never thought I'd be able to break, even temporarily.
But after the abortion, everything feels different. The decision to go out of state for the procedure wasn't easy, but it was necessary. I keep telling...
#MentalHealth #motherhood
#MentalHealth #motherhood
187 reads
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Gravestone Baby
I’m a gravestone baby
My parents named me
On a cold fresh day wind is dancing leaves about their feet
Deep in talk not noticing where they are
As the past surrounds them
In the silhouette there is a rise in the belly
Names go about how about Simon or Julius
Or Edna or Barbara Jean something in between
They walk past some sandstone with a name
Carved into the days that passed
I’m a gravestone baby
That’s the name my mama gave me
Has no connection to any of us
My parents named me
On a cold fresh day wind is dancing leaves about their feet
Deep in talk not noticing where they are
As the past surrounds them
In the silhouette there is a rise in the belly
Names go about how about Simon or Julius
Or Edna or Barbara Jean something in between
They walk past some sandstone with a name
Carved into the days that passed
I’m a gravestone baby
That’s the name my mama gave me
Has no connection to any of us
#motherhood #pregnancy
#motherhood #pregnancy
97 reads
It brings me joy
Listening to my beasts
Scare off the unwanted
In a world where men
Feeling so needed
For protection
I laugh as my beasts
Screech not to me
Command not of me
More ferocious
Than any of them
In my solitude
Without you
And any inflated (ego synonym)
I dare them
Or any
Dare trespass unto my land
Tell us please
And tell it again
We need a...
Listening to my beasts
Scare off the unwanted
In a world where men
Feeling so needed
For protection
I laugh as my beasts
Screech not to me
Command not of me
More ferocious
Than any of them
In my solitude
Without you
And any inflated (ego synonym)
I dare them
Or any
Dare trespass unto my land
Tell us please
And tell it again
We need a...
#motherhood #strength
#motherhood #strength
147 reads
God's Nest egg
To place a hand on your mother's belly
is to speak to god,
your primordial pod,
where you first nodded off
and also
the spot you first got to
chicken broth,
feel the warmth of wash cloths,
hear somebody talk,
feel breathing and coughs
It's where you learned to eavesdrop
in your mother's belly
and heard that
the world would be amazing
It's where you first harvested crops
raining down, in amazement
and reclined lazily
Where you sipped your first pop, ...
is to speak to god,
your primordial pod,
where you first nodded off
and also
the spot you first got to
chicken broth,
feel the warmth of wash cloths,
hear somebody talk,
feel breathing and coughs
It's where you learned to eavesdrop
in your mother's belly
and heard that
the world would be amazing
It's where you first harvested crops
raining down, in amazement
and reclined lazily
Where you sipped your first pop, ...
146 reads
Rudy Found Clair's Halloween Costume
Rudy found Clair's Halloween costume.
Clair also wore it during Brazilian Carnival.
It fits better on Rudy.
Clair also wore it during Brazilian Carnival.
It fits better on Rudy.
153 reads
Journal Entry - Balancing the roles of mother and woman
The heaviness of my eyelids reminds me of the balance I must maintain. My exhaustion comes not just from the physical demands of motherhood but from the emotional tug-of-war between my roles as a mother and a woman with needs for affection.
Ava, my little bundle of joy, is everything to me. Each giggle, each cry, each moment spent rocking her to sleep is a gift. But as I tend to her needs, I think of the pleasure I felt the night before in the arms of a lover. When a man gives his all, I felt the surge of life, a reminder that beneath the spit-up stained shirts and dirty diapers,...
Ava, my little bundle of joy, is everything to me. Each giggle, each cry, each moment spent rocking her to sleep is a gift. But as I tend to her needs, I think of the pleasure I felt the night before in the arms of a lover. When a man gives his all, I felt the surge of life, a reminder that beneath the spit-up stained shirts and dirty diapers,...
250 reads
Red Dress
Red dress
475 reads
You have questions I don’t have the answers to.
I’ve as much of an idea on how to control our moods as I do on conjuring the sun at night.
And despite my best intentions and trying to help, I often can’t figure it out for myself, so here we are, two peas in a pod, not wanting to belong, but surviving.
I think it’s important you recognise this.
That problems this big can’t be fixed with a wish and a kiss.
The journey, transforming through adolescence from kid, is quite simply, life changing.
Remember when you were little and I said “these...
I’ve as much of an idea on how to control our moods as I do on conjuring the sun at night.
And despite my best intentions and trying to help, I often can’t figure it out for myself, so here we are, two peas in a pod, not wanting to belong, but surviving.
I think it’s important you recognise this.
That problems this big can’t be fixed with a wish and a kiss.
The journey, transforming through adolescence from kid, is quite simply, life changing.
Remember when you were little and I said “these...
265 reads
From the deepness
IT is necessary that you have a choice of what, direction you want your life to be. 🤔 TRULY if you are heading into the right direction. 🙏 For how many times have you try just trusting, your own personal thoughts and feelings, and insight only to find out. THAT you made the wrong decision. YET let's look at it, from a different perspective. 😑 For let's ask thyself the right simple questions, for don't start to play the blame mind games 🤔 Now is the best time ⌚ when you have to rethink, your own train of thoughts. 🤨 For let's just ask thyself and...
141 reads
Baby Mine is still the saddest song in Dumbo
when I was a kid,
I had a rock tumbler
I’d pack it with beach stones
listening to the thing whir and crunch
for a month until I excitedly
unscrewed the cap
sieving off the thick granite slurry
to reveal my polished agates.
I kinda feel like my spine makes
the same noise these days
every morning it cracks
like a mother fucking glow stick
that refuses to actually glow
every morning I sit in the shower
washing off sweat and sleep ...
I had a rock tumbler
I’d pack it with beach stones
listening to the thing whir and crunch
for a month until I excitedly
unscrewed the cap
sieving off the thick granite slurry
to reveal my polished agates.
I kinda feel like my spine makes
the same noise these days
every morning it cracks
like a mother fucking glow stick
that refuses to actually glow
every morning I sit in the shower
washing off sweat and sleep ...
177 reads
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Buckets of Red and Blue
Nestled between a beveled
Glass cake display
And a vase of
Seasonal flowers
Here lies my purple baby
An urn of dust
Temporary ashes
Of what’s left
You’re laying
A top a wearied
Rattan of decorative doors
In a house
Without your memories
My baby love,
Eyes greenish yellowy blue
The red of your blood
I’ve guessed
Mixed with the auburny of your hair
That’s what I didn’t see
Is what I’ll hate
The most
About you
Makes me think and feel...
Glass cake display
And a vase of
Seasonal flowers
Here lies my purple baby
An urn of dust
Temporary ashes
Of what’s left
You’re laying
A top a wearied
Rattan of decorative doors
In a house
Without your memories
My baby love,
Eyes greenish yellowy blue
The red of your blood
I’ve guessed
Mixed with the auburny of your hair
That’s what I didn’t see
Is what I’ll hate
The most
About you
Makes me think and feel...
168 reads
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DU Poetry : Poems About Motherhood Seeking Honest Critique