Popular Poems About Cars
Jump My Bone

207 reads
Depression is a car crash
Speeding down the road
Ignoring all the warning signs
I brake hard
The skid begins
I hit the pole
It's not a car that's crumpled
It's me
Seriously injured
Close to death
I survive but only just
Head doctors do their best
They hide the truth
Pretend they can return me
To my former self
Even they know
The skid marks are on my inside
Fade they will over time
But erased.....never
I'll never be that person again
It was time for a change anyway.
Ignoring all the warning signs
I brake hard
The skid begins
I hit the pole
It's not a car that's crumpled
It's me
Seriously injured
Close to death
I survive but only just
Head doctors do their best
They hide the truth
Pretend they can return me
To my former self
Even they know
The skid marks are on my inside
Fade they will over time
But erased.....never
I'll never be that person again
It was time for a change anyway.
56 reads
DU Poetry : Popular Poems About Cars