Poems About Cancer by Top Critiquers
f**k you cancer
Why in the fuck
did you think
you could take him from me?
Do you know who the fuck you are up against?
I am all you wish you could destroy, but lives
He is more than what I am
He is the air I breathe
He is my soul
He is my heartbeat
He is the smile on our teens lips
He is the blood of life that keeps me alive
Hes made me everything I wanted to be
He loves me
Hes always loved me...
So, cancer FUCK YOU
You cant have him
Hes Mine
Ill fight for him
Come for me
did you think
you could take him from me?
Do you know who the fuck you are up against?
I am all you wish you could destroy, but lives
He is more than what I am
He is the air I breathe
He is my soul
He is my heartbeat
He is the smile on our teens lips
He is the blood of life that keeps me alive
Hes made me everything I wanted to be
He loves me
Hes always loved me...
So, cancer FUCK YOU
You cant have him
Hes Mine
Ill fight for him
Come for me
733 reads
There's no proper time line
for how this is supposed to work
I miss you
And yet
I wouldn't change
the way things fell apart
you gave me strength
even when you weren't around
to see how we all shattered
and put ourselves back together
like mismatched puzzle pieces
that look like a whole picture
as long as you don't stand too close
to the cracks and shadows
But I'd be lying if I said
your death didn't break me
adrenline overriding fear and grief
sitting with you
for how this is supposed to work
I miss you
And yet
I wouldn't change
the way things fell apart
you gave me strength
even when you weren't around
to see how we all shattered
and put ourselves back together
like mismatched puzzle pieces
that look like a whole picture
as long as you don't stand too close
to the cracks and shadows
But I'd be lying if I said
your death didn't break me
adrenline overriding fear and grief
sitting with you
#death #cancer
#death #cancer
311 reads
The Poor Guy Placed The Rose
poor guy
placed the rose
on where his wife
had finally died from cancer.
poor guy
placed the rose
on where his wife
had finally died from cancer.
414 reads
Breast Cancer Scars Are Body Modification That Saves a Life
No amount
of scarring
can erase
the beauty
and substance
of you.
Who you are
Your essential nature
is as beautiful
and wholesome
as on the day
of creation.
And my hands
never get tired
of tracing the fullness
that is your soul.
No amount
of scarring
can erase
the beauty
and substance
of you.
Who you are
Your essential nature
is as beautiful
and wholesome
as on the day
of creation.
And my hands
never get tired
of tracing the fullness
that is your soul.
826 reads
DU Poetry : Poems About Cancer by Top Critiquers