Poems about Cancer
Poems about cancer, here you'll find poetry written by those affected by cancer. Poems about having cancer and the treatment process, and poetry about the grief and pain of losing a loved one to cancer. Also poetry of hope; about raising awareness and surviving cancer.
I'm going through
It's me again the story teller of unspoken words ✍️ FOR what I want to talk about what makes some folks think, which makes no sense when some people's think what your going through in your own life. Really isn't what you're going through 🤔 yet to tell you that you are not going through what you say what you have in your own life. 😧 Let me remind you that you ain't me and I'm not you, 😔 going through the process of the stages that I have to face on a daily basis of life. For you tell me that you don't believe that I have cancer but yet I do, from prostate...
87 reads
Step into someone else's shoes
It's true that through this life we all may someday, have to go through somethings, that happens unexpected in your own life. 🤔 That will you have you feeling like your back is up against the wall. 🧱 For it's life that will throw you a curve ball, and leaving behind the devastation of things to come, into our lives. For no matter what the situation will be whether it concerns, your health or your well being with the insanity of not knowing why is the happening to me. 😔 For it might be your fault for it can be hereditary like cancer, or some type of mental disorders...
67 reads
Phallus Aforethought
Am I the only one who thinks it odd
that in all the annals of creation
there was once some strange craftsmanship from god
of darts incarnate by blood elation
and that love depends on circulation
of cocktail ingredients from parts...
in... genitourinary station...
subservient to all pulse pounding hearts
ever to find themselves a slave to love
and by such a bond seek the pleasure
thricely as thrilling as some god above
all of the other loves that we treasure...
and thus the links twixt love and...
that in all the annals of creation
there was once some strange craftsmanship from god
of darts incarnate by blood elation
and that love depends on circulation
of cocktail ingredients from parts...
in... genitourinary station...
subservient to all pulse pounding hearts
ever to find themselves a slave to love
and by such a bond seek the pleasure
thricely as thrilling as some god above
all of the other loves that we treasure...
and thus the links twixt love and...
66 reads
The Beauty Of The Breasts
Ladies, I tried my best to show that breast smasher machine, and this was my first mammogram as a preventative measure to encourage and inspire any woman of age to get a mammogram and also, please continue to do your self-breast exams each month.
And it was a gift, I was able to be fitted in on a day I was traveling out of state. Allah is great to allow me to bring the wonderous of such a test to you, hopefully, you will be more attuned to schedule for your own.
If you have not gotten a colonoscopy please do so, Colorectal Cancer have no pre-symptoms until...
And it was a gift, I was able to be fitted in on a day I was traveling out of state. Allah is great to allow me to bring the wonderous of such a test to you, hopefully, you will be more attuned to schedule for your own.
If you have not gotten a colonoscopy please do so, Colorectal Cancer have no pre-symptoms until...
203 reads
Through the Eyes of a Friend
Look at me through the eyes of a friend, she said,
A stream of thoughts embraced me in a sad rhapsody,
But I, drunk on whiskey and rye cried a rivulet instead,
Running through my mind like an unforgettable melody.
I took her old rosary, the one she kept in an old box,
Before anyone else would ransack her possessions,
I prayed a prayer of redemption but before I could talk,
She said, never look back or hold on to obsessions.
But I placed the beads and hymn book in my rucksack,
My young rebel soul would never see her eyes again,
And as the years...
A stream of thoughts embraced me in a sad rhapsody,
But I, drunk on whiskey and rye cried a rivulet instead,
Running through my mind like an unforgettable melody.
I took her old rosary, the one she kept in an old box,
Before anyone else would ransack her possessions,
I prayed a prayer of redemption but before I could talk,
She said, never look back or hold on to obsessions.
But I placed the beads and hymn book in my rucksack,
My young rebel soul would never see her eyes again,
And as the years...
638 reads
Great Day
She had a great day
She had a great day
She didn’t have to stay
My sister has a black spot
The thing we wish we ain’t got
Hers is in her head
Ours is what we truly dread
She had a great day
Told her she didn’t have to stay
She had a great day
She didn’t have to stay
The dread of our own span
And she can’t stand strong
It was her party day and
She can’t play…
Even on her Day…Her own Day
She had a great day
Told her she didn’t have to stay
She had a really great day ...
She had a great day
She didn’t have to stay
My sister has a black spot
The thing we wish we ain’t got
Hers is in her head
Ours is what we truly dread
She had a great day
Told her she didn’t have to stay
She had a great day
She didn’t have to stay
The dread of our own span
And she can’t stand strong
It was her party day and
She can’t play…
Even on her Day…Her own Day
She had a great day
Told her she didn’t have to stay
She had a really great day ...
#love #sister
#love #sister
62 reads
Negativity of a troll
What would make a troll be filled with negativity vibes, that will affect you in ways that makes no sense what so ever. TO try to force there negativity upon someone else, who doesn't deal with individuals of that kind of a mind set of nothing. But rhetoric that doesn't do anything but cause, division of separation of the worst kind of mental stimulation, like these often seeing the same acts of the Democrats party. As those who know have seen time and after time. 😞 YET they continue to attack with no regards to the damages, that they costs you in unbearable emotional stress and...
99 reads
It's me again the story teller of unspoken words, for what I want to rap to you about now, as I encourage you all 😉 for when was the last time you've been to see, your Doctor for a righteous exam of your body and mind and heart ❤️ For I'm here as a friend and poet ✍️ YET I'm just a mortal man who just want you to think for thyself, and have you to think about your own health and well being. 🙏 For sure as a new year is beginning, 😄 and some of us makes plans, for the betterment of our lives. 🙏 Let's take care better care of our...
57 reads
Softly Loved, Spiritually Venerated (Imani-Faith)
Imani (Faith) –On January 1st, the third and final green candle is lit. It symbolizes the principle of faith, encouraging individuals to believe in themselves, their community, and the possibility of a better future.
Happy New Year To my Hebrew King and All my Royal Knights, we have crossed over unto another year. A new beginning, for you to forgive, uplift, inspire, continue your education, journey, or start a new project.
This is the last day of my culture Kwanzaa celebration, we have been dipped, whipped, and have risen, succeeded, and (I) survive within the...
Happy New Year To my Hebrew King and All my Royal Knights, we have crossed over unto another year. A new beginning, for you to forgive, uplift, inspire, continue your education, journey, or start a new project.
This is the last day of my culture Kwanzaa celebration, we have been dipped, whipped, and have risen, succeeded, and (I) survive within the...
271 reads
1 Comment
I’m Going To Die of Lung Cancer
Woke up dreams in my head
I didn't realize I was dead.
In the dream, I was three,
Why’s that lady touching me?
Then i was a eight years old,
blood dripping in dirty white snow.
Laying on Doctors table,
Stiching my nose, staying quite stable.
At thirteen became a man,
Parents fighting, couldn't understand.
Dad walks out it was winter,
He would never come back for mom’s dinner.
Made it into an art school,
Played harmonica , felt so cool.
Liked girls, but...
I didn't realize I was dead.
In the dream, I was three,
Why’s that lady touching me?
Then i was a eight years old,
blood dripping in dirty white snow.
Laying on Doctors table,
Stiching my nose, staying quite stable.
At thirteen became a man,
Parents fighting, couldn't understand.
Dad walks out it was winter,
He would never come back for mom’s dinner.
Made it into an art school,
Played harmonica , felt so cool.
Liked girls, but...
109 reads
Lie in Wait
It slowly creeps in the shadows undetected
All the while everything on the surface seems fine
Even as the body fights it becomes subjected
To something sinister that at first seemed so benign
The fatal disease then spreads quickly without control
Destroying and consuming everything in its path
Even though warning signs may whisper it to the soul
The mind doesn’t want to realize it or do the math
The victim becomes brittle at the core, to the bone
Not realizing what it’s done until it’s too late
And all the medicine won’t help...
All the while everything on the surface seems fine
Even as the body fights it becomes subjected
To something sinister that at first seemed so benign
The fatal disease then spreads quickly without control
Destroying and consuming everything in its path
Even though warning signs may whisper it to the soul
The mind doesn’t want to realize it or do the math
The victim becomes brittle at the core, to the bone
Not realizing what it’s done until it’s too late
And all the medicine won’t help...
#hope #LifeStruggles
#hope #LifeStruggles
151 reads
ALMOST THERE (I)-(original draft) (East Flagship Hotel Pier Jetty, Galveston Island Texas; 1-29-1997)
i took a trolley
to the beach
walked out to the end of a jetty
gazed numbly out over
this vast gulf of mexico s
seemingly endless horizon
then silently thought to myself
almost there
to the beach
walked out to the end of a jetty
gazed numbly out over
this vast gulf of mexico s
seemingly endless horizon
then silently thought to myself
almost there
86 reads
DU Poetry : Poems about Cancer