Poems Inspired by Yehuda Amichai
Poems inspired by the Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai. Here you'll find poetry using the style, themes or characters found in poems, novels and short stories written by Yehuda Amichai. Along with poems about Amichai himself, including praise, criticism and tributes.
Out of the Sacred
Oh see her
And witness
the dying of an Angel
Her face
Torn from it's shadows
Grimacing and angular
Scowling woman's perversions
Like alabaster deity
While whisps of her veil
Singe and rise
Carried off and into
Some cold
and unholy current
And her ashes
They obscure my sun
And they darken the sanctuary
Of my horizon
She passes
And it would not be quick
Then tossing great beauty to the floor
And witness
the dying of an Angel
Her face
Torn from it's shadows
Grimacing and angular
Scowling woman's perversions
Like alabaster deity
While whisps of her veil
Singe and rise
Carried off and into
Some cold
and unholy current
And her ashes
They obscure my sun
And they darken the sanctuary
Of my horizon
She passes
And it would not be quick
Then tossing great beauty to the floor
741 reads
Drums of Praise and Worship
Every Sunday morning
I’d arrive at church ten minutes early before service
For a small rehearsal with the group
But I always wanted to play in the evening service
They had longer louder livelier set
And a bigger congregation
Yet somehow as I was beginning to question my faith
I was asked if I would be interested in being a youth pastor
But I knew deep down I was not a good example
My Monday through Saturday self was different than my Sunday self
I left that congregation a year or so later
Joined a church that was starting and...
I’d arrive at church ten minutes early before service
For a small rehearsal with the group
But I always wanted to play in the evening service
They had longer louder livelier set
And a bigger congregation
Yet somehow as I was beginning to question my faith
I was asked if I would be interested in being a youth pastor
But I knew deep down I was not a good example
My Monday through Saturday self was different than my Sunday self
I left that congregation a year or so later
Joined a church that was starting and...
584 reads
Rain In A Foreign Land (Memory of Rain)
The past is foreign to me
but I remember rain.
The land will not remember me but
her and I will recall the same.
How I turned on her earth
in the crushed grass with the
burden of thirst and so, too
waiting in vain
To be remembered by her people,
yet no one saw us in that Summer's frame.
Our union was but a moment as
my bare skin touched her and she
brushed my thighs.
But I did not belong to her
nor her to I so I moved along, away.
And as I turned from her to leave
the sky turned...
but I remember rain.
The land will not remember me but
her and I will recall the same.
How I turned on her earth
in the crushed grass with the
burden of thirst and so, too
waiting in vain
To be remembered by her people,
yet no one saw us in that Summer's frame.
Our union was but a moment as
my bare skin touched her and she
brushed my thighs.
But I did not belong to her
nor her to I so I moved along, away.
And as I turned from her to leave
the sky turned...
#memories #YehudaAmichai
#memories #YehudaAmichai
822 reads
This Virus Won’t Keep Me From My Own Bed
( after Yahuda Amichai )
I know it seems humanity is lost,
But times are no more worse than holocausts.
No matter how the news fills us with dread,
This virus won’t keep me from my own bed.
Though I am isolated, hear me now;
The people of this world remember how
Pandemics, famine, wars are ever spread.
This virus won’t keep me from my own bed.
Could Samson kill Corona for his God?
Does fear make us call Death a hoax, a fraud?
Are questions ever solved when blood is shed?
This virus won’t...
I know it seems humanity is lost,
But times are no more worse than holocausts.
No matter how the news fills us with dread,
This virus won’t keep me from my own bed.
Though I am isolated, hear me now;
The people of this world remember how
Pandemics, famine, wars are ever spread.
This virus won’t keep me from my own bed.
Could Samson kill Corona for his God?
Does fear make us call Death a hoax, a fraud?
Are questions ever solved when blood is shed?
This virus won’t...
787 reads
( after Yehuda Amichai )
"...I should like someone to remember
that there once lived a person named
David Berger."
-- David Berger (in his last letter, Vilna, 1941)
There is peace beyond the grave
or material hardening of soil
after life acquiesces
its due diligence to death—
or the space between parent
and prodigal child, returning—
ribcage splintered in repentance
for a peaceful resolution
What is it, then, when a honey bee
surrenders its sting to survive— ...
"...I should like someone to remember
that there once lived a person named
David Berger."
-- David Berger (in his last letter, Vilna, 1941)
There is peace beyond the grave
or material hardening of soil
after life acquiesces
its due diligence to death—
or the space between parent
and prodigal child, returning—
ribcage splintered in repentance
for a peaceful resolution
What is it, then, when a honey bee
surrenders its sting to survive— ...
1414 reads
Gassing Beliefs at the Pedestrian Crossing
I do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas . . . I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes. The moral effect should be so good . . . and would spread a lively terror.” (Winston Churchill, 1919, presiding over the British Air Council)
Old Palestinian shuffles slowly across road
aided by his stick.
Mortality snags me through the windscreen —
I clutch the steering-wheel, eyes squinting the future.
Engines idle time
counting down incessantly, fuming with urgency.
Is he a world to be...
Old Palestinian shuffles slowly across road
aided by his stick.
Mortality snags me through the windscreen —
I clutch the steering-wheel, eyes squinting the future.
Engines idle time
counting down incessantly, fuming with urgency.
Is he a world to be...
887 reads
Amen is Still Amen
Hebrew ...I do love
however... staring into the challenge
on my iPad brings a frown.
This poet speaks to humor
with Yiddish puns flying over my head
Rudimentary Hebrew is useless here
Ranting to my husband
About the loss; many hundreds of words
too precious to properly tolerate
the culture shock of my native tongue
I return my thoughts to his poem
lingering on a familiar word
that will never need translation
From: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/52940/the-amen-stone
however... staring into the challenge
on my iPad brings a frown.
This poet speaks to humor
with Yiddish puns flying over my head
Rudimentary Hebrew is useless here
Ranting to my husband
About the loss; many hundreds of words
too precious to properly tolerate
the culture shock of my native tongue
I return my thoughts to his poem
lingering on a familiar word
that will never need translation
From: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/52940/the-amen-stone
581 reads
DU Poetry : Poems Inspired by Yehuda Amichai

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#YehudaAmichai is curated by Ahavati (Tams).