Time Heals Seeking Honest Critique Poems
time heals seeking honest critique poems. Honest feedback has been requested for these poems.
Before the 12th ( Tomorrow, Resting Period ) Epilogue
I thought, I would try to give a bit of explanation
as to my considerable situation
I'm a man, broken, shamed, filled with blame
Can't claim I'm anything proclaimed to become
I feel so weak, so bleak, a fragile brittle antique
Full of regrets, always upset, things I wish to forget
Can't believe, I'm 45, still alive, how did I survive?
Drowning, in alcohol, baring this agonized tormented soul
What I would do, to start again, but nothing I can really do.
I want to survive, but child in me died, long time now realized.....
as to my considerable situation
I'm a man, broken, shamed, filled with blame
Can't claim I'm anything proclaimed to become
I feel so weak, so bleak, a fragile brittle antique
Full of regrets, always upset, things I wish to forget
Can't believe, I'm 45, still alive, how did I survive?
Drowning, in alcohol, baring this agonized tormented soul
What I would do, to start again, but nothing I can really do.
I want to survive, but child in me died, long time now realized.....
30 reads
Just My Imagination

#redemption #TimeHeals
#redemption #TimeHeals
170 reads
you touch me
the wind carries your heart
the sun spreads your warmth
the birds sing in your voice
i see your smile everywhere i go
in faces,in windows
in the clouds and in my mind
i feel your love surround me
envelope me,cover me everyday
you touch me
you sing to me
you warm me
you carry my heart
your soul is mine
i love you
never are you gone
you're always here ♥
the sun spreads your warmth
the birds sing in your voice
i see your smile everywhere i go
in faces,in windows
in the clouds and in my mind
i feel your love surround me
envelope me,cover me everyday
you touch me
you sing to me
you warm me
you carry my heart
your soul is mine
i love you
never are you gone
you're always here ♥
68 reads
Winds may blow harshly
Roots persist beneath the storm
We remain ourselves.
Light on the horizon
Path unshadowed by others
I am my own guide.
In the mirror, strength
Reflection of courage true
Voice of liberty.
Winds may blow harshly
Roots persist beneath the storm
We remain ourselves.
Light on the horizon
Path unshadowed by others
I am my own guide.
In the mirror, strength
Reflection of courage true
Voice of liberty.
87 reads
I’m just a little child,
Here for only a few years,
Yet it feels like lifetimes of duality,
Bullied and broken by the one who is a gift.
I’m just human.
Sometimes I wear masks
To blend with the stars,
But my energy is too violent.
I guess I'll collapse into a black hole.
I’m not human.
To be human is to be among humans,
But my mind struggles to cope with them,
The ones who dragged my soul through torment,
Stripping me bare and leaving me cold,
A shadow by the roadside, unseen.
No one stops to offer a jacket, ...
Here for only a few years,
Yet it feels like lifetimes of duality,
Bullied and broken by the one who is a gift.
I’m just human.
Sometimes I wear masks
To blend with the stars,
But my energy is too violent.
I guess I'll collapse into a black hole.
I’m not human.
To be human is to be among humans,
But my mind struggles to cope with them,
The ones who dragged my soul through torment,
Stripping me bare and leaving me cold,
A shadow by the roadside, unseen.
No one stops to offer a jacket, ...
38 reads
Confessions After the Fact Pt 1
I had a good man once... but,
I lost him in the battle of to save him,
From the darker parts of the light he held in his eyes,
The parts that twist and coil within me.
And Lord knows I tried,
Tried to patch up and piece together,
The fragments of my wild heart,
And silence the shadows that whisper in the dead of night,
The secrets I kept inside,
Secrets so dark I was intent on keeping them hidden,
Trapped in the silk of my silence....
I thought,
Yeah I thought that if I could just show him the light,
Only the...
I lost him in the battle of to save him,
From the darker parts of the light he held in his eyes,
The parts that twist and coil within me.
And Lord knows I tried,
Tried to patch up and piece together,
The fragments of my wild heart,
And silence the shadows that whisper in the dead of night,
The secrets I kept inside,
Secrets so dark I was intent on keeping them hidden,
Trapped in the silk of my silence....
I thought,
Yeah I thought that if I could just show him the light,
Only the...
57 reads
litte girl
talk to me little girl you've gone quiet
where do you hide when my soul can't find you
within my sacred sanctuary no one can harm you
death will not touch you I will take the pain on my back
soul child of time himself
forgive me sometimes I have to be fiersome
I will shield your eyes keeping the worst of it from you
you wonder where you came from
you are my soul's child
here are your birthcertificate and pictures of family
we are not from here
you will not be forced to take any one form
you will manifest where you like...
where do you hide when my soul can't find you
within my sacred sanctuary no one can harm you
death will not touch you I will take the pain on my back
soul child of time himself
forgive me sometimes I have to be fiersome
I will shield your eyes keeping the worst of it from you
you wonder where you came from
you are my soul's child
here are your birthcertificate and pictures of family
we are not from here
you will not be forced to take any one form
you will manifest where you like...
98 reads
What is your aura saying
Here I am as I am a woman ♀️ in understanding my own beauty and strength and perseverance, along with the ability to have a respectful intellectual conversation. For sure there will be times when you just want to go some place far away from, the chaos of the world. 🌍 For as a woman I find myself feeling trapped, within a vortex that seems, to become more than a place of calmness and tranquility, and peaceful vibes, that I can have a quiet moment alone to breathe. For I am a woman who has fought many of battles, not knowing if I will truly make it through, the very...
55 reads
I told him, take it all—
Just give me my books,
My refuge, my solace, my world.
Turning each page, tuning out the noise,
It’s just me and Bukowski’s words for the night.
While others sing nursery rhymes,
I read Poe to my children.
I thought it vital that they, too,
Could quote the verses that stir the soul—
To fall deep into the poetry,
Let it seep into their hearts.
When I read, I am whole,
But you, you called it an addiction.
Of all the cravings I could possess,
Books are the only...
Just give me my books,
My refuge, my solace, my world.
Turning each page, tuning out the noise,
It’s just me and Bukowski’s words for the night.
While others sing nursery rhymes,
I read Poe to my children.
I thought it vital that they, too,
Could quote the verses that stir the soul—
To fall deep into the poetry,
Let it seep into their hearts.
When I read, I am whole,
But you, you called it an addiction.
Of all the cravings I could possess,
Books are the only...
65 reads
Storytime! Shut up and Listen!

#TimeHeals #vanity
#TimeHeals #vanity
121 reads
Flight of the crow
Getting older I realise
The things I love dissappear before my eyes
Questions with answers I'll never know
Places i never wish to go
I won't talk to criticise
Everyday I'm closer to the skies
People come and people go
Why ill never know
I still dream and fantasise
Hearts still an enormous size
Journeys end and sun melts the snow
I'm off to follow the flight of the crow
The things I love dissappear before my eyes
Questions with answers I'll never know
Places i never wish to go
I won't talk to criticise
Everyday I'm closer to the skies
People come and people go
Why ill never know
I still dream and fantasise
Hearts still an enormous size
Journeys end and sun melts the snow
I'm off to follow the flight of the crow
32 reads
Sometimes saltwater lingers in closed wounds

28 reads
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DU Poetry : Time Heals Seeking Honest Critique Poems