Poems about Self Discovery
Poems about self discovery, poetry about gaining an understanding of ourselves and our motivations. Poems about self discovery, our journey through life and learning new things about ourselves. Poetry about appreciating our true potential and character.
Sharp edges gleaming,
Dancing in twilight shadows,
Passion cuts deep wounds.
Blades whisper secrets,
Glinting in forbidden light,
Desire's cold embrace.
Dancing in twilight shadows,
Passion cuts deep wounds.
Blades whisper secrets,
Glinting in forbidden light,
Desire's cold embrace.
110 reads
Eros' Journal - Day I

83 reads
All for One - Me Time

102 reads
Sensuous Me - The Poet
I am reminded of my faults and failures
Every minute of every day
My frustration is knowing I have powers
but forget to use them the right way
They've been kept inside a protective shell
that's been cracking for many decades
What's inside, I will not tell
Till the voice inside me says Okay
You see, I am a poet with a passionate soul
Maybe that's why my life is so hard
If I could just remember it's not forever,
and remember what it means to be a bard
Maybe I could...
Every minute of every day
My frustration is knowing I have powers
but forget to use them the right way
They've been kept inside a protective shell
that's been cracking for many decades
What's inside, I will not tell
Till the voice inside me says Okay
You see, I am a poet with a passionate soul
Maybe that's why my life is so hard
If I could just remember it's not forever,
and remember what it means to be a bard
Maybe I could...
82 reads
I was told that I'm a criminal
I have a criminal mind
I have a criminal need
I have a criminal dependency
I need others to exist
I need a little help from my friends
I get help all the time from the strangest places
Every suicide
Every plane crash, car accident, overdose etc..
Everything helps me
I'm getting stronger every day
I'm feeling better about myself all the time
Before the medication my doctor put me on,
The person I cared about was myself
Now I see that others matter
Now I see things a lot differently
I think I'm growing inside
I was...
I have a criminal need
I have a criminal dependency
I need others to exist
I need a little help from my friends
I get help all the time from the strangest places
Every suicide
Every plane crash, car accident, overdose etc..
Everything helps me
I'm getting stronger every day
I'm feeling better about myself all the time
Before the medication my doctor put me on,
The person I cared about was myself
Now I see that others matter
Now I see things a lot differently
I think I'm growing inside
I was...
103 reads
When we are in pain
We all will go through somethings that will affect the very foundation of our lives, yet it's at that point in our lives that we have to learn to walk away. FROM the deepness of the pain that we feel inside of us. For it's true that we can't let the truth of the pain, steal the best part of us, due to what someone has cost to us. By taking away from the situation at hand. For sure what doesn't kill you only makes you, that much stronger than you think that you are even, in the moods of the storms. For sure sometimes we have to reschedule our chains of thoughts, to be able to see that it's not...
76 reads
Secret Family Tree
From what I can remember when we all gathered together, at Big Mama's house where the elders of the women's, would prepare a Home Town cook out for gathering, for the family. IT was a time that I will never forget. As it was a gathering of the elders and uncles and aunts and sisters and brothers, with their off springs children running around playing children games. While the olders people would play cards or shuffle board games, as the elders would look out and see the families all together in one place. Yet they could be found sitting up under a old oak tree, in the shade of the afternoon...
64 reads
The stream of life
Skipped like a stone upon the stream of life,
you sink so quick but in the moment you float on.
The ripples.. reflecting each memory, a shimmer in the darkness of eternity.
Broadcasting a signal, a long lasting symbol of sheer perseverance,
cycles of suffering and satisfaction
understanding not even a fraction of oneself..
This game is endless and never won but it's simply played for fun.
I follow the flow of frequencies wherever they lead.
While temptations deceive gratitude brings peace.
In this evolution of self with moments...
you sink so quick but in the moment you float on.
The ripples.. reflecting each memory, a shimmer in the darkness of eternity.
Broadcasting a signal, a long lasting symbol of sheer perseverance,
cycles of suffering and satisfaction
understanding not even a fraction of oneself..
This game is endless and never won but it's simply played for fun.
I follow the flow of frequencies wherever they lead.
While temptations deceive gratitude brings peace.
In this evolution of self with moments...
65 reads
Between the lines there is a space that is empty, follow by the next line of the chapter to be created. FOR the next line is slowly taking shape, to unfold the truth of deepness of the story. For with every line there are words ✍️ to be compose just from pen 🖊️ to paper. For it's true about love and life with thoughts of betrayal and deception, filled with the closeness of the darkness over shadowing. The page making it darker, as it prepares you to what comes next, down the line of dark mystery. THAT still you can't see through your own eyes...
57 reads
Expose the truth
When there is danger in your path you are given, a chance to chose the path that you will have, to chose to journey and travel and walk. For it's true that you have to learn to realize, that this life was chosen for you to walk, since the first day of your own life. FOR the sole purpose of you learning what you must do for thyself. TO ensure that you have the ability, to manifest that which you want and need. As it is necessary to be able to understand, that it's you are in charge of your own destiny. FOR can't no one make that decision but you, if you want to change your life into your...
53 reads
Let not your heart be heavy
Through life we will be tested by somethings, that we may not see it coming our way. BUT yet it doesn't mean that you keep an blind eye close, to really not see that is before you. For that will be your time to become aware that you have to learn, some lessons that you thought you didn't have to learn. How to navigate through the process of the nonsense, that will surely bring you down. For sure life wasn't meant to be easy, when you know that it's hard to find the right one for you. FOR sure life is a mind game of chance or even leaps of your own faith at times. Which makes your thoughts run...
79 reads
To look beneath this layer,
Is to discover myself deep within,
For in this kind of prayer,
Truth is no more a mortal sin.
I went missing for thirteen years,
Thirteen hours and thirteen days,
My mind had no concept of time,
The potion had set my soul ablaze.
As I slid down deeper into the recess,
My mind’s eye finally recognized,
The fluorescent colors vomited,
Were my demons being exorcised.
So in the pit of sight and sound,
I found the center of my universe,
As my subconscious came...
Is to discover myself deep within,
For in this kind of prayer,
Truth is no more a mortal sin.
I went missing for thirteen years,
Thirteen hours and thirteen days,
My mind had no concept of time,
The potion had set my soul ablaze.
As I slid down deeper into the recess,
My mind’s eye finally recognized,
The fluorescent colors vomited,
Were my demons being exorcised.
So in the pit of sight and sound,
I found the center of my universe,
As my subconscious came...
693 reads
DU Poetry : Poems about Self Discovery