I Think I Have Lost My Way

I think I lost my way, taken, thrown, all taint
I have made a mess of myself, here and there
I thought the better was of what I was becoming
But as the pieces shatter and crack, I rethink

A trail left of the one I used to be, now so frail
Strong and reliable, once was I
Now weak at the simplest, delicate sanity
Alone at all sides, no room in a crowded space

Fallen to the ground upon knees once so strong
Eyes capture every moment as the ones so close, walk far away
Hands hold close the essence of what used to be
Mind keeps the moments of joy trapped under a bed of defeat

The earth cracks to get away from I, such sorrow fulfills
The wind hovers around, encasing the thoughts within my eyes
The rain runs down my face, erasing and pulling the strength from me
The fire bellows around, burning away the traces of dignity left
The spirit screams out from my body, searching for a way out, pain so lengthily

Promises of always staying, always being there, erased from minds of all
The blaring echos of silence encase my body and pull it down
Once so strong, so mighty, so in control, blistering
Shattered it came out, showing, just it, weakness
Taking over what had once been such delight, such pity

Strand by strand, the tears role down, making way for their escape
The cave falls down as the steps of longing enter way
Immortally closing off all others from such chaos

Stepping off the edge, a world unknown approaching so fast
Some think of this, some think of that, I think of nothing and everything

I think I have lost my way, so weak, hopeless
The path shatters as my steps further in
As if I am to fall, path forsaken, gone, nothing left
Hallow, shadowed, alone, the eyes reveal all

None to none, all to some, balanced as I am the one left
Survived so far, never a rope could break
Now nothing left to break, as a dead tree with life left of none

I think I have lost my way, no, I have lost my way
Blind by the eyes, shown nothing of now, just of past
Helplessly wandering, back and forth, all of none

My way used to be so bright, so full, so....there
But maybe there's a dead end, to of which I have found
Maybe it's time I leave, though maybe not

Time for so much, time, time, time
Thoughts surround with no room left for what's really needed
Frail I have become, with no way, nothing to show
But never to look back, for a way so shattered, nothing left
Written by PassionOfVengeance (Jacqueline R)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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