Taming the flame

Taming the flame

my hand slides
between your thighs
to help enter you
for the first time
a smile? No,
but a flash of emotion
a subtle twitch
of ecstasy, which
sends your eyes
rolling back.
rhythm slow to start
as i pull you closer
hot breath against
the nape of my neck
and a quiet moan
as the tempo increases
faster, faster
i feel your body writhe
beneath my weight
and just before the crucial moment
i grab your ass and lift you up
rolling over seamlessly
with you on top.
i am still in control
hands planted firmly on buttocks
as i move you the way
i want you to, till
our pelvises move in unison
as we hit the sweetest spot.
i release my grip
my hands sliding up your waist
slowly taking in the smoothness
of your skin as i feel it quiver
like your lips, a shiver
spreading pin pricks.
my fingers encircle your nipples,
how many times have i dreamed of this?
touching these dark ripples
of skin grown hard and frigid.
You grab my hands
collapsing on top of me
legs opening wider
taking me deeper
biting my lip as we kiss
pure white-hot fire
spreads slowly, first
at our toes then our fingertips
like a candle wick burning
hips never stop turning
flame getting brighter
eyes closing tighter
the release of control is coming,
coming, coming,
those few seconds of bliss
transforming into eternity
as we kiss
and the only rhythm now
is the rapid beating
of our hearts.
Written by Hyperion
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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