I don't know who she is anymore?

she's ment to be my best friend,
She's like a sister to me,
She's family.

I leave for a month,
And come back,
She doesnt want to hang out with me
Before i go back.
We WERE so close,
Now it's like she's to good for me.

If she leaves me,
I don't know what i'd do,
I wouldn't know who to talk to,
When i have a secret to tell,
Or i just need to talk,
She was a great listener,
She help me will alot,
We have been through everything together,
Now that she is to good for me,
Who will i be able to tell my secrets to,
Who will i beale to just talk to?

I'm pretty much nothing to her,
I have hardly know friends,
She's was the only one,
That i could just with my life.

Im leaving in two weeks,
She says and promises,
She would hang out with me,
She lies,
She brakes her promise.
I know longer trust her,
Not like i use to.
Cuz im no longer a somebody,
Im now a no body to her.

Soon she's just going to be a memorie,
No longer a best friend,
No longer a sister,
Just another person.

She lives her life happly,
With out me in it.
So now im going to do just that,
To her.
As she is doing to me.

But i'll tell you the truth,
Im going to miss her,
Im going to miss the long night talks,
The tickling fight,
The laugh's,
The smiles,
Just everything we shared,
I'm going to miss all that.

I will never forget her,
But she will be just a memory now,
She wanted this not me.
It hurts.
But thats just life i guess.

She was always there for me.
As i was for her,
But times change.
Im just a no body now.

She was my sister my family.
Now i have no body.

But i'll always love her.
And miss her.
I still remember the day
We became best friends.
It wasnt a good day,
But she helped me through it.
She was there for me.

Iv known her for years now but we became sister/best friends on:
T.M.B (L)
Forever in my heart.
Written by baybayBoo009 (Teesha)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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