
I walk into the room
I feel a cold, hard angry stare from you
Normally that would scare me
But when the tables are turned around
I can't help but smile and imagine
With all that power all you can do
Is wriggle in your tight bound chair
Like a virgin about to be fucked for the first time

Round 1
I take a jackhammer and take a swing to your right arm
Nothing feels so musical
Than a sickening crack from a shattered bone
Your muffled screams, or is it a cry
Is like a symphony to my ears
Then I take glass cutter
I know what its use is for but I found a new one for it
Practicing a new sport I call
Human Golf
I take a couple of swings at you, creating my own symphony
The rib cage,three bones, the right cheek bone, left knee,both feet
I clipped your eyes open and electrocuted you
I needed you alive for the next round

Round 2
I bring out our special guest
Your girlfriend
The one you love so very much      
But I am going to test the limits of your love tonight
Tied up as she is, she has more fire than you
But after I'm done with her, she'll be a docile bitch
First I rip off her clothes, exposing her beautifully carved figure
Then play with her large, soft breasts
Its funny how the human body works
I thought she was scared but when I reached down there
She was dripping wet
A chair scraping the floor, muffled grunts of anger
I almost forgot you were there, distracted by the beauty that lay before me

Round 3
My head goes down between her legs
They quiver, whether out of fear or anticipation
I don't really care
I work on her pussy for a few minutes just to piss you off
And now to really anger you I begin to rape her
I open her legs wide and get in...
She screams and tries to fight me off
But the harder she tries to knock me off
The more comfortable and deeper I go
I look at you
Your face spell out my favorite emotions
Horror, failure and murderous intent
I keep pushing deeper despite her plead to make me stop
I fuck her for days until she can't resist anymore
Finally, when she has fallen to my control
Every time I walk into the room she thinks of sex
I slit her throat,and make you watch
As she chokes on her blood and dies

Round 4
The two best friends get to talk again
But it's more like one bashing the other's brains in
After hours of assaults
I finally cut you lose to give half a fighting chance
As you try to get up I kick your broken ribs
You start coughing up blood too, punctured lung I suspect
Another left in the gut, A right across the face
As you lay on the ground, unable to get up
I finally finish up the job
One knife through the heart, two on the neck and
Cut off your dick and stuffed it into your mouth
As a final act of humiliation  
Written by SmokeMirrorComplex
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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