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Marilyn Fucking Manson

Bullied at school,
you were beaten and pulled
in a direction towards conformity.
The enormity of it all shocked
their socks, and suicide rock
was born.

Stole half your name from a Satanist
the other half from Satan's slave.
You sing of sodomy and rapists
and you are a rapist of
Christianity's name.

First heard your stuff
when I myself was withered and fucked
and blood had stained my eyes.
Much to my surprise gave rise
to my mind to express what I once
thought taboo.

You are a man that's part of a sick
evil plan that transcends even your
fantasy. Wether you are consciously
aware I do not care because I still
love your music..
Written by slayer69
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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