Premonition (Chapter 11)-P1-

Around late evening, it started to rain hard. Thunder roared and lightning streaked across the sky. It dampened everyone's spirits. It had been quite the eventful day and what everyone wanted was some peace and quiet. Skye cowered under his sheets as the scene in the classroom kept replaying in his head. Rogue, now traumatized was finally asleep with the help of a few (dozen) sleeping pills. Lucianna was enjoying her moment while Rogue was no longer in the lead. The headmistress paced back and forth in her office, deep in thought. Lancer, had begun packing. Enervant Lobelia was having a counseling session with Mrs.Greenwood. Syn was watching the rain while waiting for Arista's return, unaware of what had happened to her. While the rest of the student body was busy spreading newly made rumors, as always.

On the cold hard floor, lay Arista. It was close to midnight and she still had not yet awakened. Although the bleeding had stopped awhile ago, if she were to stay asleep any longer, she probably won't make it till dawn, for the school was old. Older than most of the crumbling buildings you would see in any city, and because of that, there were things that never left. What makes it worse was that her spirit was no loner in the same place. Call it spirit-wandering if you will. With freshly spilled blood, an empty shell (one that was in good condition, mind you) plus the fact that it was hidden in a part of the building that was now abandoned, she was definitely not in a good situation no matter HOW you looked at it.

Rumors and more rumors. It oozed from every nook and cranny, manifesting itself into its own form. The foolish thoughts and desires from the students that actually wanted something supernatural to happen, accumulated over the years, getting stronger and stronger each time. Thoughts have more power than actions but few acknowledge that. Even the spirits had grown to fear this monstrosity. They steered clear of that thing's path and shuddered when they heard it come. A shadow that brought nothing but fear and cold with it, searching for a container within those white-washed walls. A spreading mass of ooze that was darker than black roamed through the halls that night, sensing an easy-target. The wind howled along with it.


I'm dreaming again, aren't I? Drifting high above the ground, almost high enough to kiss the sky. Yet I can't feel the night air, even on the rooftops. My hand doesn't hurt anymore. Is this what they call death? Its been awhile since I felt this free. The academy seems so harmless under the cover of darkness. So peaceful that I could almost...jump. I wonder if i would just fall through the floor. I glance down at the once polished marble but before I could lift my foot up to take a step forward, I felt something pull me from behind. I was being pulled so fast that it was all a blur. My only memory after that was falling and landing with a jolt...and then...I think I...
Written by DiamondDustMirror (The White Rabbit)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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