Premonition (Chapter 10)

*i tried doing a chapter made completely from dialog. First time doing this so forgive me if its crap * :/

"Balthazar is already under Carleon's control. What makes you think they won't do the same to Azalea?" voiced Noir Metallise, Lillian Academy's hard headed headmistress. "I say we move the students to-" "To where, Alice?! The outskirts of town? Across the seas?! What makes YOU think that they won't bomb the countryside once they get to Azalea?!" "Then where do you think we should move them to then, Elaine?" "I say we stay put and build up our defenses. I'm sure your tea-sipping fairies can handle a gun" "WE ARE NOT INVOLVING OUR STUDENTS IN THIS WAR! DO YOU HEAR ME?! ELAINE?!" "We have no where to run, Alice. Fighting is our only option." "Yea, and I bet that went well seeing as only half a quarter managed to make it to the academy, ALIVE!" "We were ambushed! What do you expect from boys with absolutely no training?!" "A fine excuse at that! Your decision cost those boys their lives! You KNEW Balthazar was under attack and yet you chose to stay." "Those that were killed were nothing but weaklings that we could afford to lose. Its not MY fault they couldn't hold their own. I saw my students fighting back with my own eyes. It was all thanks to the Knights that any survived at all! What do YOU have?! Head-Embroider?! Oh that would come in VERY handy indeed. Face it, Alice. If that was you out there, I bet the ENTIRE school would be dead in less than an hour." "That would only have happened if i acted like you. Completely egoistic and irresponsible! If you had wanted your boys to 'fight' then you would have let the army take them. Instead you come and hide in fear of losing that title of yours. HOW SELFISH CAN YOU BE, ELAINE?!" "Don't use that tone with me! I'm warning you! Not another syllable or neither I nor my students will protect those housewives-in-training when those soldiers arrive." "Well go ahead, you can't 'protect' what's not there. I don't care how, but I'm going to get a letter over to Anon and as soon as I get a green light, we are heading to Zarathos as soon as possible. End of discussion!" "...Then I bid thee an early goodbye then, foolish cousin." and with that, Elaine Volcaloid exited Noir's office. Noir then sank into her armchair and breathed a sigh of frustration. "This isn't about winning anymore, Elly. Its about keeping the future, safe. Why can't you understand that?" she murmured  as she leaned back.

"That child bothering you again, headmistress?" "Oh, its you Lancer. I didn't hear you come in." "I was worried after I saw her coming out of your office. You don't need her giving you even more health problems than you already have." "Oh puu! As long as I'm still breathing that ignorant twit will still have me to clean up after her." "Nora..." "Don't, Lancer. Please, just don't. At least not now. If I get anymore depressed, I don't think I can manage the letter to Anon and seeing how things are..." "Anon? Anon in Zarathos? Up in the mountains, Zarathos?" "No, Lancer. In the toilets and down in the sewage. What do YOU think?" lashed out Noir while rubbing her temples. "Nora, I forbid you to-" "I said don't, Lancer!" "...Nora...I have served you for 5 years now, and you know as well as I do that getting through the nights itself is life-threatening for you. Let alone the cold and frost." "Its nothing a few pills won't fix..." "Nora, I'm serious." "So am I. The longer we stay, the more our lives are at risk." "Then you'll understand why I choose to go, Lancer. Theres a possibility of me dying at both ends, it doesn't matter how." Silence filled the room as Lancer gritted his teeth. "So, there really is no other way, then?" "Nothing that's in our power." "...How are you going to get that letter all the way to Zarathos? Carleon would be intercepting every package and letter sent by air and sea." "I was thinking, sending someone to go instead of using the birds. However, I've already thought about it. It'd be useless if I went there and fail to return with the acceptance lett-" "I'll go" "Don't be ridiculous, Lancer. You've never set foot outside the academy, how would you-" "But promise me one thing." "And what may that be? Pray tell." "That you'll still be alive and kicking by the time I get back." "...You drive a hard bargain...I won't promise anything, but I'll try my best." "Thats all I need to hear. I'll go prepare for the journey. Summon me when the letter's ready." "Lancer, wait!...I...The students...will miss you dearly...and if there was another way, you'd be the first to know, I swear." Lancer didn't reply but smirked at her playfully before closing the door behind him. "There HAS to be another way..." whispered Noir.

While Noir buried her head in her hands, Lancer made his way to the staffroom. "Hey Lancer! Long time no see! Where have you been lurkin- Don't you walk away from ME, Cavaliere Lancer!" "For God's sake, Lobelia! Must I BEG you not to call me that? You know how I resent being reminded of-" "Hoho! What put YOU in such a great mood? Students didn't do their math homework?" "For the love of...Just tell me what you want, Lobelia?" he sighed. Lancer settled himself down on the couch as a sort of white flag. "You're no fun at all, eh Lancer?" "I've got a lot on my plate and I don't need you adding anymore mischief to it." "My, whatever do you mean, my beloved night guard?" "Don't play dumb, Lobelia. You know exact-" "Call me by my first na-" "No!" "Yes!" "I said no!" "Well, why not? We've been colleagues for at least 2 years now. What the hell's with the formality? " huffed Enervant as she crossed her arms. I'd rather not be associated with a gremlin, if I can help it, that is." "What a mean thing to say, Lancer!" "Am I wrong?" "And what's THAT supposed to mean?!" "Ever since you've begun to bother me during my night shifts, the kids now think its OK to wander around at night. By right, they should be in bed, unconscious. YOU included!" "Think of it in a positive way. Now they won't be afraid of the dark, and what's wrong with a little visit once in awhile? I hardly ever get to see you!" "Thank goodness for that! Besides, you'll have to get used to it, whether you like it or not. I'll be going on a trip pretty soon and God knows if i'll be back...(in one piece)" "WHAT?! When did you decide that?!" "When my blood pressure wasn't in mortal danger, unlike now. I've got important things to take care of, if you'd excuse m-" "So you're just leaving? Just like that?!!!" Yes. Now goodbye, Lo-" "Why?" "What?" "I said why.Why are you leaving" "Its none of your business!...Stop pulling my arm!!!" "Not until you give me an answer!" "I already DID!" "Thats not good enough!" "GET OFF!" "Lancer! What are you-...OWW!" "I said it once and I'm not going to say it again. Its non of your business whether I leave or n-" "Its Noir, isn't it?..." WIth the mention of her name, Lancer paused abruptly as he was about to slam the door between them. "The only time you ever get this defensive is when it involves her..." Lancer, with nothing to say, closes the door with a soft click after watching a tear slide down Enervant's red cheek. "Why...why is it always her?..." she whispers as she leans against the wall.
Written by DiamondDustMirror (The White Rabbit)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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