Bullying! Let’s make it the exclusive right of the over-privileged, their flunkies and sycophants!

By Stanley Collymore
It's not right for anyone to be  
bullied or equally harassed;  
but why should these tech  
companies decide only now to act when they  
assume, that such bullying action is directed  
at Kate Middleton? I didn't notice or hear any  
similar demands actually coming from them  
for such bullies to crucially, and significantly  
discernibly desist from such awfully, odious  
behaviour when the target, whom they were  
focusing on was Meghan clearly an African  
American woman as apart from Kate who's  
quite self-evidently, a white Caucasian one!  
And rather ironically so when the said Kate  
was one of the primary sources effectively  
obviously, feeding her sycophants through  
the MSM with her nastily, spurious stories  
about Meghan. And on the contrary these  
said tech companies as they actually still  
are, were avidly and obviously vitriolically  
themselves, similarly also promoting the
specific bullying of Meghan! And actually  
on the minimal occasions when crucially  
conscionable persons obviously pointed  
out their open vitriol and racism towards  
this non-white female, the response was  
always literally one not only of their own  
but others specifically of their odious ilk  
to what they were asininely stating, and  
still do, where Meghan is concerned, as  
their own, and others that think and act  
like them always proclaim, they literally  
were simply, democratically, exercising  
their basic right, to freedom of speech!  
Which actually propagates and also  
boosts a plausible fallacy, that not  
only Kate Middleton but similarly  
too the vile feudal family, which  
she has evidently acquisitively  
literally ensconced herself in  
are beyond reproach, which  
I don't mind openly saying,  
they bleeding well, aren't!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
27 September 2024.
Author's Remarks:
Quite unapologetically to anybody I have been throughout my life, ably assisted by the skilled and caring mentors I've actually had from my earliest childhood, been a staunch advocate as well as a committed practitioner of the actually and evidently distinctly enlightening concept of meritocracy, and an aspect of my life  crucially deeply ingrained as it is, will never change.  
So perhaps, understandably you'll realize that under such circumstances and rather blessed also with an astute brain, the utter nonsense of birthright by someone or hereditarily privileges attained solely by in-breeding and no real actual intellectual merit, but nevertheless assiduously assuming such individuals and those who very obsessively and successfully social climb into this sort of fatuous milieu, are automatically in every regard better than myself or others like me, is sure arrant nonsense!  
The human race per se has ostensibly moved on and progressed since the several millennia that humans have been on this planet; and we're now discernibly if not for everyone, in an undoubtedly distinctively technologically, and advanced era; one in which enlightened people can effectively think for themselves and don't compulsorily in anyway have others dictate to them what they do and specifically as well how they should in essence live their own lives.  
However, I'm fully au fait that not everyone is so advanced in their thinking, if that's what you can call it, and as such love to fawn over those that they're conditioned from birth to assume are in effect superiors in every regard. A classic Dark Ages, feudal mindset concept. And this is very specifically the case throughout Britain; and is so entrenched that it's enough to make clearly sane individuals go mad. But if that's what these vile sycophants want, then have it by all means but please don't try to foist it onto undoubtedly genuinely liberated minds such as my own, or others like Meghan Markle and a mentally as well liberated Harry Windsor.  
Perfectly okay for grifters like William, Kate and the rest of them, but even the massive and prehistoric creatures like the dinosaurs ultimately met their end and so, as in France, Italy, Russia, Greece and Germany, for example, the British monarchy will do the same! And what we're watching quite currently is like a punch drunk boxer who hasn't got the intellectual acumen of effectively, really knowing when to actually quit!
Written by Academic
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