this life

This life

Yet again, Trump has been targeted for assassination 
it has gotten to the point where one feels sympathy 
for this brave man, whose many flaws have become
a bull's for this, I blame the mainstream press
that has relentlessly targeted him for many
court cases that have run into the sand
Looking back to the four years he was president 
of the USA, sensible people will agree his reign was
good years for America, keeping inflation down 
among other things like his skill as a negotiator 
Many of us think the debacle in Ukraine would not
have happened had he been in charge.
Instead, the press has concentrated on the sleazy
paying, a prostitute for her service, a case denied 
by him, true or false in the scheme of life of small
We also notice that holding up a placard depicting 
a coconut appears to be racial let me add my wife's 
father had a coconut farm in Congo, and found this 
racial hysteria is hilarious.
Regarding Israel and Hamas, it appears IDF has 
killed three Hamas prisoners, initially they blamed
Hamas but, in the long run, truth finds a  way 
alas, often, after the indignations have faded 
from the front pages.
Meanwhile, what worries me the most, is England
under the leadership of Sir Starmer, is becoming
a place where the white working class, is seen
as the enemy of the state
Written by oskar
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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