100 Haikus #2
101. Prophecy Paralleled:
Prophetic Elijah
Crying in the wilderness
Baptismal calling
102. Protection in the Wilderness:
Bestowing wingspan
Heavenly security
Soaring eagle bound
103. God's Law:
Angelic covering
The ark of the covenant
Sacred commandments
104. Every Sermon:
Through an apostle
Word of God given through Christ
Developing fruit
105. Physiological:
Emotional wave
Atmospheric awareness
Synaptic response
106. Changing Consequence:
Present and future
Momentary discipline
Myriad of choice
107. Venomous Deception:
Insidious snake
Hissing deceitful forked tongues
Poisonous liar
108. Addictive Personality:
Binding receptors
Personable synthesis
Overflowing numb
109. Motivation:
Reception giving
Greatly enduring patience
Rewarding trial
110. Age Lasting:
Holy sanctity
To the gift of sacrifice
Everlasting life
111. Prison:
Cycles thoughtfully
Casting solitude in ways
Is no way out of
112. Glorifying Self:
Inside of the mind
Ritual visionary
Vain idolatry
113. Confident Inflection:
Walking to the sound
Harmonious liberty
Exuberant voice
114. Behind the Mask:
Optical volume
Audible phenomenal
Applause optimal
115. Performance Artist:
Killing rendition
Villainy exhibition
Explicit wicked
116. Pill Head:
Woken motioning
Barbital dystopian
Spoken of dosing
117. Stolen Away:
Debauchery fraudulent
A star's robbery
118. Irresponsible Thought:
Unstopping the fox
Preposterous inconstant
Philosophy not
119. The Father of Lies:
Oddity Godless
Ominously misfortune
Honestly haunted
120. Unholy Footstool:
Sinfully mystic
Symmetry physics visit
Mystery image
121. Spirit of Passover:
Soberly minding
Pouring out unto the earth
The blood of the lamb
122. Unleavened Bread and Wine:
Wine and bread offer
To take of the sacrifice
Christ's body giving
123. Christ's Death and Timing:
Fulfilling scripture
In the confines of the grave
Before the sundown
124. He Gave His Life:
Ripping from His flesh
Paying the penalty for sin
Hanging from a pole
125. First Day After Passover:
Annual high day
Unleavened bread following
Death of God's own son
126. Passover Timing:
On the fourteenth day
Of the first month of Abib
Eternal Passover
127. Resurrection:
Three full days and nights
Tomb in the heart of the earth
Christ ascended from
128. From Creation:
Carbon copying
Humanity not from stars
Idolatrous lie
129. Follow the Path:
Thus unraveling
Requisite meandering
Quickening request
130. God's Universe:
Cosmos massively
Interstellar paradox
Purposely future
131. Brain Activity:
Covalent exchange
Clashing dendrites and axons
Neural synapsis
132. Conversation:
Pro quo noetic
Betwixt those known supposed so
Though copacetic
133. Satan in Leviticus 16:
Azazel roaming
Prophetic desolation
Barren wilderness
134. Caught Off Guard:
Giving up the fight
Doubtful decision making
Lulling somnolence
135. Heart in Man:
Pursuing vainglory
Desperation wickedly
Hardened to the core
136. The Comforter:
Prayerful profession
Relieving anxiety
Deep tranquility
137. Repentant Process:
Washing thoroughly
Purifying cleanliness
Holy sanctity
138. Physical Purpose:
To give everything
Reasonable servicing
Brethren sake fully
139. After The Great White Throne:
Christ the Messiah
Inheritance of all things
Heavenly kingdom
140. Through the Ministry:
Laying hands upon
Forgiveness embodying
Baptismal process
141. Liar:
Double mindedness
Deceitful subjectively
Vacancy promise
142. Anxious Moments:
Tactile sensory
Uneasiness becoming
Signified tension
143. Influential:
Grandeur delusion
Auditory manifest
Bewildered action
144. In the Skies:
Translucent sunlight
Pouring through cumulus clouds
Falling glorious
145. Visual:
Founding transversal
Infinitely creative
Imagining planes
146. Language:
Definitive inquiry
Express conversion
147. Parable for Pride:
Puffing up air hot
Leavening itself raises
Like ego warping
148. Un leavening Continues:
Daily abiding
Purging out the old leaven
Searching dwelling place
149. Distraction:
Hoaxes overload
Opiate hocus-pocus
Notably unknown
150. We All Suffer:
Cumbersome cover
Uttering puzzled wonder
Each other comfort
151. Chasing Sin:
Counterfeit spirit
To those of whom have gloried
Deathly emptiness
152. Den of Thieves:
Covetous darkness
Thickening within the night
Wondrous density
153. A Moment of Inspiration:
Within amazement
Personified impression
Excitement growing
154. Losing Focus:
Ignorant deceit
Contextual transition
Lost pathology
155. Capture the Moment:
Lucidity binds
Aspiring artistry
Vividly valid
156. Man's Fate Without God:
Graven fatefully
Memorial etched into
Forgetting over time
157. Extreme Social Anxiety:
Facing to and from
Eyes like daggers to the back
Turning all around
158. Needing the Living Waters:
Thoroughly thoughtful
Enthroned throes anthropic though
Thirstily thralling
159. Empires:
Omens coded so
Erroneous dystopic
Culture closures lo
160. Debated Theory:
Inside you and me
Mystery disunity
Impugning to see
161. Momentary Tranquility:
Soundness overly
Echoing whispers softly
Stillness silently
162. Demanding:
Angsty undertone
Advocative inflection
Angry demeanor
163. Rotten Heart:
Sinful malignance
Wicked allusions warping
Transforming decay
164. Learning:
Choices everyday
Perpetuity changes
Prompted improvised
165. Maturity:
Active consequence
Character responsible
Stable persona
166. Wrong Crowd:
Tangible tangent
Wisdom unto the foolish
Wasting potential
167. Family Sacrifice:
Our elder brother
Joshua the Messiah
Chosen to die for
168. Bipolar:
On top of the world
Skyrocketing orbital
Upside down plummet
169. Burden:
Mortal suffering
Offering Eternal life
Elohim ahead
170. Blessed Times:
Jovial fearless
Enjoying jubilantly
Holy of spirit
171. Time and Time Again:
Conundrum starting
Since the beginning to end
Becoming after
172. Higher Planes:
Spatial crescent
Stepping through envelopment
Reality folds
173. Dimensional Relationship:
Inverted under
A leap and bound scale tipping
Over the horizon
174. Unfolding:
Spiraling convex
Belted distance from above
Concentration planes
175. Accelerated Light:
Squaring foundation
Amassing procreation
Hyper translucence
176. Reflecting Matter:
Granular vibrance
Exponents expedient
Solid coloring
177. Within Volume:
Surface ratio
Pushing and pulling impact
To quantify
178. Down the Slopes:
Inwardly turning
Turbulent phenomenon
Graphic sequential
179. Transference Between:
Polarity waves
Electromagnetic fields
Vacuous quantum
180. Existing Literally:
Physical spectrum
Excitatory expanse
Quickening response
181. Mindful Tense:
Defining moment
By passing through thoughtfully
182. Impression:
What it really is
And why that way seems until
Maybe so after
183. Provocation:
Atmospheric heart
Evocative incitement
Yielding callousness
184. Proof of Art:
Language natural
Appealing application
185. Words to Say:
Sensible junction
Levels of discovery
Several function
186. What Vessels Can Hold:
Shivering phantasm
Solid rod of iron swinging
Dashing to pieces
187. Taking the Bait:
Scandalous dragon
Dangling camera candid
Angling carrots
188. Antics:
Randomly tangent
Examining semantics
Perishing parrots
189. Before the Trumpets:
Awareness frantic
Transatlantic cherubim
Inherent madness
190. Spirit of Giving:
Caring management
Vicarious habitants
Cherished adamant
191. Quest:
Fateful destiny
Uncertainty unfolding
Direction turning
192. Working on Self:
Constantly purging
Spontaneous spores spreading
Out that old leaven
193. Mirrors and Fingers:
Partial opinion
Offensive eliciting
Biased opposing
194. Nothing in Return:
Hollow of idols
In groves empty exalted
Hallowing haunted
195. On Your Own:
Comforting abode
Thusly such presumptuous
Humbling alone
196. First of the First Fruits:
Ingrained lightening
Wave sheaf offering upon
Peaceful abundance
197. Pentecost:
Counting fifty days
From the first Sabbath between
Unleavened Bread times
198. The First Fruits:
Waving the two loaves
Those of whom enduring faith
Accepted by God
199. Meadows:
Radiance gathers
Sunlit still upon tall grass
Golden reflection
200. Dollar Signs:
Quarters shining
Valuable environs
Insertion playing
Prophetic Elijah
Crying in the wilderness
Baptismal calling
102. Protection in the Wilderness:
Bestowing wingspan
Heavenly security
Soaring eagle bound
103. God's Law:
Angelic covering
The ark of the covenant
Sacred commandments
104. Every Sermon:
Through an apostle
Word of God given through Christ
Developing fruit
105. Physiological:
Emotional wave
Atmospheric awareness
Synaptic response
106. Changing Consequence:
Present and future
Momentary discipline
Myriad of choice
107. Venomous Deception:
Insidious snake
Hissing deceitful forked tongues
Poisonous liar
108. Addictive Personality:
Binding receptors
Personable synthesis
Overflowing numb
109. Motivation:
Reception giving
Greatly enduring patience
Rewarding trial
110. Age Lasting:
Holy sanctity
To the gift of sacrifice
Everlasting life
111. Prison:
Cycles thoughtfully
Casting solitude in ways
Is no way out of
112. Glorifying Self:
Inside of the mind
Ritual visionary
Vain idolatry
113. Confident Inflection:
Walking to the sound
Harmonious liberty
Exuberant voice
114. Behind the Mask:
Optical volume
Audible phenomenal
Applause optimal
115. Performance Artist:
Killing rendition
Villainy exhibition
Explicit wicked
116. Pill Head:
Woken motioning
Barbital dystopian
Spoken of dosing
117. Stolen Away:
Debauchery fraudulent
A star's robbery
118. Irresponsible Thought:
Unstopping the fox
Preposterous inconstant
Philosophy not
119. The Father of Lies:
Oddity Godless
Ominously misfortune
Honestly haunted
120. Unholy Footstool:
Sinfully mystic
Symmetry physics visit
Mystery image
121. Spirit of Passover:
Soberly minding
Pouring out unto the earth
The blood of the lamb
122. Unleavened Bread and Wine:
Wine and bread offer
To take of the sacrifice
Christ's body giving
123. Christ's Death and Timing:
Fulfilling scripture
In the confines of the grave
Before the sundown
124. He Gave His Life:
Ripping from His flesh
Paying the penalty for sin
Hanging from a pole
125. First Day After Passover:
Annual high day
Unleavened bread following
Death of God's own son
126. Passover Timing:
On the fourteenth day
Of the first month of Abib
Eternal Passover
127. Resurrection:
Three full days and nights
Tomb in the heart of the earth
Christ ascended from
128. From Creation:
Carbon copying
Humanity not from stars
Idolatrous lie
129. Follow the Path:
Thus unraveling
Requisite meandering
Quickening request
130. God's Universe:
Cosmos massively
Interstellar paradox
Purposely future
131. Brain Activity:
Covalent exchange
Clashing dendrites and axons
Neural synapsis
132. Conversation:
Pro quo noetic
Betwixt those known supposed so
Though copacetic
133. Satan in Leviticus 16:
Azazel roaming
Prophetic desolation
Barren wilderness
134. Caught Off Guard:
Giving up the fight
Doubtful decision making
Lulling somnolence
135. Heart in Man:
Pursuing vainglory
Desperation wickedly
Hardened to the core
136. The Comforter:
Prayerful profession
Relieving anxiety
Deep tranquility
137. Repentant Process:
Washing thoroughly
Purifying cleanliness
Holy sanctity
138. Physical Purpose:
To give everything
Reasonable servicing
Brethren sake fully
139. After The Great White Throne:
Christ the Messiah
Inheritance of all things
Heavenly kingdom
140. Through the Ministry:
Laying hands upon
Forgiveness embodying
Baptismal process
141. Liar:
Double mindedness
Deceitful subjectively
Vacancy promise
142. Anxious Moments:
Tactile sensory
Uneasiness becoming
Signified tension
143. Influential:
Grandeur delusion
Auditory manifest
Bewildered action
144. In the Skies:
Translucent sunlight
Pouring through cumulus clouds
Falling glorious
145. Visual:
Founding transversal
Infinitely creative
Imagining planes
146. Language:
Definitive inquiry
Express conversion
147. Parable for Pride:
Puffing up air hot
Leavening itself raises
Like ego warping
148. Un leavening Continues:
Daily abiding
Purging out the old leaven
Searching dwelling place
149. Distraction:
Hoaxes overload
Opiate hocus-pocus
Notably unknown
150. We All Suffer:
Cumbersome cover
Uttering puzzled wonder
Each other comfort
151. Chasing Sin:
Counterfeit spirit
To those of whom have gloried
Deathly emptiness
152. Den of Thieves:
Covetous darkness
Thickening within the night
Wondrous density
153. A Moment of Inspiration:
Within amazement
Personified impression
Excitement growing
154. Losing Focus:
Ignorant deceit
Contextual transition
Lost pathology
155. Capture the Moment:
Lucidity binds
Aspiring artistry
Vividly valid
156. Man's Fate Without God:
Graven fatefully
Memorial etched into
Forgetting over time
157. Extreme Social Anxiety:
Facing to and from
Eyes like daggers to the back
Turning all around
158. Needing the Living Waters:
Thoroughly thoughtful
Enthroned throes anthropic though
Thirstily thralling
159. Empires:
Omens coded so
Erroneous dystopic
Culture closures lo
160. Debated Theory:
Inside you and me
Mystery disunity
Impugning to see
161. Momentary Tranquility:
Soundness overly
Echoing whispers softly
Stillness silently
162. Demanding:
Angsty undertone
Advocative inflection
Angry demeanor
163. Rotten Heart:
Sinful malignance
Wicked allusions warping
Transforming decay
164. Learning:
Choices everyday
Perpetuity changes
Prompted improvised
165. Maturity:
Active consequence
Character responsible
Stable persona
166. Wrong Crowd:
Tangible tangent
Wisdom unto the foolish
Wasting potential
167. Family Sacrifice:
Our elder brother
Joshua the Messiah
Chosen to die for
168. Bipolar:
On top of the world
Skyrocketing orbital
Upside down plummet
169. Burden:
Mortal suffering
Offering Eternal life
Elohim ahead
170. Blessed Times:
Jovial fearless
Enjoying jubilantly
Holy of spirit
171. Time and Time Again:
Conundrum starting
Since the beginning to end
Becoming after
172. Higher Planes:
Spatial crescent
Stepping through envelopment
Reality folds
173. Dimensional Relationship:
Inverted under
A leap and bound scale tipping
Over the horizon
174. Unfolding:
Spiraling convex
Belted distance from above
Concentration planes
175. Accelerated Light:
Squaring foundation
Amassing procreation
Hyper translucence
176. Reflecting Matter:
Granular vibrance
Exponents expedient
Solid coloring
177. Within Volume:
Surface ratio
Pushing and pulling impact
To quantify
178. Down the Slopes:
Inwardly turning
Turbulent phenomenon
Graphic sequential
179. Transference Between:
Polarity waves
Electromagnetic fields
Vacuous quantum
180. Existing Literally:
Physical spectrum
Excitatory expanse
Quickening response
181. Mindful Tense:
Defining moment
By passing through thoughtfully
182. Impression:
What it really is
And why that way seems until
Maybe so after
183. Provocation:
Atmospheric heart
Evocative incitement
Yielding callousness
184. Proof of Art:
Language natural
Appealing application
185. Words to Say:
Sensible junction
Levels of discovery
Several function
186. What Vessels Can Hold:
Shivering phantasm
Solid rod of iron swinging
Dashing to pieces
187. Taking the Bait:
Scandalous dragon
Dangling camera candid
Angling carrots
188. Antics:
Randomly tangent
Examining semantics
Perishing parrots
189. Before the Trumpets:
Awareness frantic
Transatlantic cherubim
Inherent madness
190. Spirit of Giving:
Caring management
Vicarious habitants
Cherished adamant
191. Quest:
Fateful destiny
Uncertainty unfolding
Direction turning
192. Working on Self:
Constantly purging
Spontaneous spores spreading
Out that old leaven
193. Mirrors and Fingers:
Partial opinion
Offensive eliciting
Biased opposing
194. Nothing in Return:
Hollow of idols
In groves empty exalted
Hallowing haunted
195. On Your Own:
Comforting abode
Thusly such presumptuous
Humbling alone
196. First of the First Fruits:
Ingrained lightening
Wave sheaf offering upon
Peaceful abundance
197. Pentecost:
Counting fifty days
From the first Sabbath between
Unleavened Bread times
198. The First Fruits:
Waving the two loaves
Those of whom enduring faith
Accepted by God
199. Meadows:
Radiance gathers
Sunlit still upon tall grass
Golden reflection
200. Dollar Signs:
Quarters shining
Valuable environs
Insertion playing
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