Tension! And any excuse really to air one's own vile prejudices!

By Stanley Collymore    
Tension is self-evidently a state    
of affairs that arises whenever    
actual or perceived problems    
set in and can best be described as an early    
warning system that everything discernibly    
rather obviously, clearly isn't all well within    
your very own bodily system and crucially    
unquestionably consequently specifically    
therefore distinctly actually constitutes a    
state of affairs that is effectively derived    
either from actual bodily malfunctioning    
or just as ordinarily so, simply obviously    
literally significant stress, often actually    
really brought on, by an adverse mental    
condition! But essentially, whatever the    
real causation is, stress and effectively    
its very distinctively, simply associated    
tension are naturally quite evidently far    
from ever realistically being in any way    
conducive to one's personal wellbeing!    
So unless such tension is basically    
occasioned by a discernibly and    
destructively serious physical    
or medical condition that rather specifically  
necessitates therefore either requisite and  
urgent medical resolution; or undoubtedly    
key psychiatric attention to essentially as    
well as evidently, very definitively remedy    
it; why don't you just try to, and distinctly    
quite effectively rather seriously learn to    
generally relax; mind your own business    
and obviously, quite intelligently seek to    
beneficially, embark on basically having    
very evidently, meaningful, and ongoing    
fun, rather than like the actually evident    
proverbial bull in a China shop, actually    
rather ludicrously assuming that you're    
obviously in a pole position to crucially    
do so, therefore have to and must also    
quite absolutely, distinctively unasked,    
nevertheless take on upon yourself all    
the world's and specifically also other    
people who you really don't know and    
that simply couldn't give a toss about    
you and your odious, evilly prejudicial    
assumptions and pathetic delusional    
conclusions projected at themselves    
yet actually absolutely idiotically feel    
that whatsoever, you significantly do    
in personal terms simply throughout    
your own, distinctly meaningless life    
is none the less rather essentially of    
nobody's quite interfering concerns!    
(C) Stanley V. Collymore    
2 September 2024.    

Author's Remarks:  
It's actually quite mind boggling although not the least bit surprising if you're not discernibly intellectually challenged and  furthermore are quite evidently in literal possession of a really truly functional brain lodged in your head and obviously not a poor facsimile one effectively located in your posterior, and with the original one mentioned quite discernibly allowing you quite discernibly and fittingly being able to be rather specifically adept at observing how the odious detritus of supposedly Homo sapiens: effectively lowlife specimens of whatever they truly are, can readily take to rather openly and and very castigatorily denounce very selective individuals, either singly or collectively, whom they've never met, very hardly ever likely to do so, and most discernibly also don't in the least know or will they ever be realistically afforded the opportunity to do so. And all this, for quite simply, lawfully and essentially happily getting on, and thoroughly commendably and literally, likewise beneficially, quite similarly embarking on the process of obviously cooperatively and mutually distinctively with what is specifically and simply essentially their own private lives; and effectively doing so, without consciously or otherwise occasioning any problems, real or imaginary, for anyone!    
Yet basically, these idiotic scum, of all classes and primarily of the white Caucasian type, are unquestionably, the very first ones, even when there are effectively, myriad reasons for quite justifiably criticising them,  to obdurately take the conjectural high ground, and rather acidly proclaim to those who rightly dare to lambast them, that it's effectively their own lives which they're living and therefore they can obviously do whatsoever they really want to individually, with theirs. How unsurprising, eh?    
But obviously, evidently significantly, to these odiously impertinent idiots Martha Louise and Durek Verret's personal relationship, evidently and distinctly culminating in their distinctively happy marriage, as likewise that of Harry and Meghan, don't fall into the same remit clearly as their own very vile and toxically verminous ones!    
Well I've news for you evidently inbred scum! People like Harry and Meghan, Durek and as well Martha Louise who are thoroughly and as well, unlike yourselves, mentally liberated, just don't actually ever realistically need validation of any sort for their actions, personal or really general, and very undoubtedly so from feudal mindset cunts undoubtedly and self-evidently like yourselves ensconced in the 21st Century.  
Written by Academic
Published | Edited 9th Sep 2024
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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