buried alive

memory: his face, my car
promised certainty
subliminal chisel began to carve
engraving his essence deeper than scars

trust follows blindly
reality bends
white knuckles clutch tightly
stumble back where it began

streets of nostalgia
wake in a cold sweat
daunting alchemy
clenched at the crux

I loved you
I love you
I loved you
I love you

from the roots in my coffin
polluted oxygen
crooked key in a locket
disintegration of dreams

plucked as petals
needled with string
fingers pick away threads
grievous hole in my chest

harrowed and hollow
swollen knots swallowed
still more life to borrow
lacrimal maggots of sorrow

I loved you
I love you
I loved you
I love you

my screams ricochet within this grave
Written by scalesofascorpion
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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