Image for the poem The Fall of Empires and the Promise of Eden

The Fall of Empires and the Promise of Eden

- The Fall of Empires and the Promise of Eden -

   I was told not too very long ago, that I am a holy person. Over the years... many people, have told me that my words are sacred, profound, and meaningful to them, and that through those words their lives could be changed. I have spent much time lately in prayer, and I have experienced many visions and a great many dreams in which God spoke unto me, and I shall use the word God to refer to such a truly transcendent and glorious principle. Elsewhere, I have referred to this as Allah, and one name is just as good as any other for describing the most holy and blessed Divine. And herein, I shall tell what God did show me and say unto my heart, and move me to now say unto you. You who read this, know that you are welcome and that I regard you as a brother or a sister, and if you would prefer as a son or daughter. For in the faith I have created for myself, and for you, and which I am still revealing the truths of... we are all equal in the eyes of God, and so we should be equal in each other's eyes as well. Shall I be your sibling or shall I be like unto a father or a mother to you? Whatsoever your heart desires, that shall I be. So look deep in your heart, find me there, and let your desires shape me therein as they will. We live in a world spiraling towards a great and terrible series of events, and I cannot say what those events are or what they shall be, or when they shall transpire but I have foreseen that they will. You can be assured of the inevitability of this, and my dreams and visions never vary in showing me such things. I have borne witness to cities and towns I grew up and lived in suddenly being overtaken by nature. I have seen their ruins, and sought in them the places wherein I dwelt. And thereupon, I wept at what I beheld! For this is the future, and God alone knows the time when it shall transpire that human eyes will bear witness to it. An ending is coming, but it shall not be a final ending... merely the ending of a terrible cycle of human history. It shall be a temporary collapsing of the old order, and what takes the place of it will be by the most divine will, the most high divinity, to decide. Through our hearts it will speak, through our hands it will built anew, even over the ruins of the old, of the world that was. What part will you play in that world, if you live to see it? I shall play the part of a shepherd, to guide you who reads this. That you in turn may decide for yourself how best to live your life. For it is certain that the world order as it stands now is a temporary thing, and that it can only one day come to an end. Think back on all the empires of mankind that ever existed! Rome, Babylon, and today America and all of its' rival nations and allies as well. All can be termed empires, and all have their allotted span of time that culminates at the last in its' ending, in its' decline, in its' destruction. It is hard to hear this, and hard for me to say it, but we need to be strong in order to face the truth that all empires one day collapse and become as the dust of ancient monuments and I say unto you that there shall come a day when the leaders of the current world order shall be forgotten, their names spoken by no one. For those who rule the world today are evil, and their works are corrupt beyond redemption. They have used organized religion to spread hatred, even as they have used wars to spread destruction, and loud mouthed politicians to cause division. I condemn them, and I condemn all their works! That is what God has said unto me. Is it any wonder, that we live in this, a time of such chaos and uncertainty? Leaders no longer lead, for they hold chains in their hands and as many of those chains exist as there are victims of every tyrannical regime currently in power. And let me tell you, even those who claim to lead in the gentlest of ways... if they be a part of the current status quo, then they are promoting evil. They use various means to make people weak, to siphon their will, to keep the masses subservient so that they will be unable to fight back against them. And that is why we must be strong, and if we are not strong then we must become strong! Lest we be taken unawares and led in chains to everlasting bondage. Not every chain is physical in nature! An addiction can be a chain, a hunger or a thirst can be a chain, a false belief can be a chain. Through my writings, you can find the various means of breaking all chains, and through faith you may forge from your chains swords that will enable you to fight the evils of this world with conviction. Not faith in those corrupted religions or failed philosophies of this world, for those are false varieties of faith. I speak of a true and divine faith!

   I have been absent from among you for a time, brothers and sisters... sons and daughters in the true and righteous faith. But I am here now, and my words are here fore you to hark unto and find solace in. If you have read the story of my life in my writings, then you know that I was not always strong. But in surviving all I have, I have become strong! And you can become strong as well. But only if you see with unclouded eyes the truths of all I have written and taught and preached. Have I not told you that I am a prophet? I have made prophecy, and all that I have seen... it never fails to come to pass. Such things do not happen in our time, they happen in God's time, and as the divine will alone sees fit to shape. But we must be prepared, always! Lest the evils and wicked minds of this world lead us astray and weaken us until we become their victims. I have been a victim before, many times even, and I know the bitter taste of being fed the water of untruth. My wrists have felt the shackles of tyranny, the cold iron of those who rule through tyranny, corruption, and cruelty. I have been broken, and I have been pieced back together in order to rise like a phoenix from out of my own ashes. Think about the people around you, and I will wager that you know or know of at least one other person who has been broken by this world, by a life lived in servitude to those sinful monsters who lord it over the peoples of this world as if they believed themselves to be gods! The rich, the wealthy, the powerful who keep the poor ground into the dirt even as they erect taller towers to look down upon us from. And behold! They will keep building tall towers, they will continue to act as if they were spiting Heaven and so defying the peace of Paradise that can be ours, and they take from human beings that peace which is the birthright of every living soul. We shall defy them! I shall continue to act contrary to their demands, and to teach as I see fit, and to make others able to teach in turn. For we must teach as many people as we can reach, the truth that shall set them at last free from bondage to the powerful. What do they give us? Movies and television, to keep us bound in a room and subject to whatever they wish to show us. Can you see the difference between the movies  and television shows that tell you the truth... and those that tell you lies? I will make it simple for you... the ones that are truthful do not promote hatred, prejudice, bigotry, or ignorance of any kind. Knowing this, you can ensure that you will not be subjected to wrongful programming. And there is a reason why they call it programming! What we see, what goes into your brains, shapes who and what we are both personally and as a people. The same goes for music. Not all music is goodly, and you now know how to determine the goodly music from the evil music. Evil music is all about hate, all about violence, all about subjugation. You will feel the chains around you when you hear such music! But goodly music, it can break those chains and empower your spirit to become ever stronger and more worthy of Paradise. Look at the world we live in today! Factories continue to poison the environment, even as vehicles still continue to pump toxic exhaust into the very air that we breathe. Where is the clean water that once was so plentiful, and where are the places of natural splendor that our ancestors' eyes once beheld? In some places, the light of cities at night makes it impossible to see the light of the stars clearly, and in places there is smog and filth and every manner of stain upon the glory of the natural world. Egotistical fools cling to their fleeting power, they seek to build walls to keep people divided both literally and in other more metaphorical ways. The minds of the leaders of countries have become idiotic, and they are all too happy to see the people become enslaved to their idiocy through blindness. Open your eyes! See what it is this world has become, and you will realize why it shall surely collapse. I would not see those whom I teach and preach to fall by the wayside. I would not see you unable to survive in the world that comes. Stick to your guns, both figuratively and literally... never let your means of defending yourself and also of defending those you love be taken away from you. Whilst I do not advocate violence or killing, I do also not advocate passivity in the face of death and destruction, nor passivity in the face of a world that is spiraling into absolute chaos. If you are among the true faithful, if you love me and my words, then I implore you to keep at your side the means of defending all that you love. Do not let anyone take away from you, your happiness and all that you have worked for! Defend those you love, and keep your faith.

   One day, we will not need to bear arms any longer, and only upon that day can we lay them aside. But in the meantime, we must be vigilant and we must remain strong so that we can remain free. America in its' bloated ignorance has forgotten what it means to be free. The United States of America have never been less united than they are right now, and mark my words when I say that as there was a civil war in the past so may there come another in the future. Do not be on the side of the tyrants, the side of bigots and idiotic bullies, but rather be prepared to fight against such as them! They will claim to champion all of your rights, only to take them from you. They will claim to make this country great again, only to in turn break it apart so that they can do as they please with it, because that is what bullies do. They break you down, they make you weak, to make themselves feel stronger... to gain and maintain a sick kind of power over you. And that is why such as they must be fought against, and why the true faithful must be against such tyrants as they. Such wicked tyrants always claim to be on the side of God, or that God is on their side, but the opposite is always the case and history has shown us the proof of this. Their fate, those bullies and tyrants, is to go down into perdition and be forgotten save as the monsters they were. It is such as they, who poison this world and who corrupt the garden worse than any snake ever could! For they pretend to own the garden, and turn out of it any who are not of their ilk. I would lead you to another garden, the true Paradise, and also unto the earthly paradise that we shall one day as a united people create in place of the evil world order that controls everything now. But we shall not be united by political ideology or national pride! Those things are fleeting and meaningless. We shall instead, be united by faith and by a common cause, that cause being to better ourselves and to restore the Earth to its' once pure state. How many glaciers need to melt, how many seas need to boil, before people realize that what is being down to this world is a crime not just against humanity but against all life upon its' surface! And God said unto me: “Look upon the world such as it is today, look and see! Lo! This is the doing of mankind, and it is sinful and wicked. Because of this, great shall be the punishment of those whose hands are red with the blood of the Earth. For the blood of their fellow man is upon their hands just as surely! If the Earth dies, all that lives upon it and therein shall perish. If it dies because of human hands, then is that not mass murder? Murder is a sin, and as a sin it must be punished.” And so I came to see that those in power who are destroying the world, are mass murderers. They are unworthy of life, because they sin against life, they are unworthy to breathe the air that they poison, they are unworthy of drinking the water that they befoul with their toxins. They are murderers and sinners, and so when their hour of judgment comes and they are dragged out to be held accountable, their fate shall be befitting of a murderer. What is the only rightful penalty for murder? In most places, it is death. And, such shall be the fate of those murderers I speak of. For God has marked them as being most sinful of all, and unlike the Mark of Cain which existed to protect the one who bore it... this shall be a mark of death, whereby it will ensure the destruction of those who bear it. And God showed me that this is so, and that is shall come to pass and be known as a sacred and holy truth. Those who presently sit in judgment over us, it is they who shall be judged one day for their sins, and when the world order that is known today has at the last passed away... the time shall come for all the works of evil that they have done to be washed as cleanly away as when the Earth was pristine and humanity was first introduced to it. But unlike in those ancient days, mankind shall not toil for the distant, cold glory of divine beings... rather, all shall share the pleasing labor of tending the gardens of their dreams, wherein all that is desirable and desired shall be. For whereas in the gardens of old, there was servitude... in the gardens to come, there is freedom, there is liberty, and there is only bliss to be known. If you have the mind or heart of a child, you will be most clearly able to appreciate and understand this sort of bliss. It is bot a bliss born from ignorance... but instead, it is a bliss born from innocence. I would see mankind's pristine innocence restored to us all, I would see ignorance done away with, and I would see a grander Eden created in this world. In fact I would see this whole world become this new and more perfect Eden of which I speak! So it must be.

   I have been having recurring dreams lately, and visions too... of a beautiful garden, filled with white flowers and white blossom trees, beneath a sky so blue and clear that the only clouds within it were as wispy cotton to look upon. For the past week, I have had dreams of this garden and I have seen within it everything that one could possibly desire. I heard the voice of God speaking to me from on high, and it did say unto me: “What is it that you desire most in all the world?” and every time, I say someone that I love, and they were present in that garden. I saw my departed first love, Andrea, may she rest gently in the bosom of Paradise. And I saw others whom I loved, not all of whom I lost and most of whom were still alive. I myself was more whole than I have ever been, and more content than I have ever imagined. There was joy, happiness, and the singing of women and children to be heard in that garden. Men had a beauty to them that I have never seen before in men of this present age in which we live, and women... and children... were heavenly in their beauty. And I realized, I was not looking upon some heavenly or celestial garden, I was looking at what this world could... should... become. What it must become if it is to ever become a place worthy of the true faithful, of the truly righteous. This was not a place of earthly laws, not a place of political ideologies or constructed religions. This was a place of absolute pure bliss, and it was a place founded upon the principles of true and spotless faith. This, was a place wherein no head was held higher than any other, and where there were no rich or poor either. For all were rich with the abundance of happiness that was theirs and which likewise belonged to their fellows. If everyone in the world was equally happy, then would we not all be brothers and sisters? And so it was, in this place I beheld in these dreams and visions of mine that I speak of. No one needed to pursue happiness, as do people today in the world today... because it was something that everybody had already. It is part of the birthright of all who live, and I have seen what that looks like. The singing, the joy, the dancing amid the flowers and playing upon the meadows... I saw everybody doing this, every man, woman, and child was doing this, and it was a generation I beheld who never knew war or crime, nor did they know the horrors of poverty, nor did their eyes behold a poisoned and befouled world. Oh mankind, if only you all could share this vision I was blessed with! Then, surely, there would be no more war or suffering. I tell you this, brothers and sisters... sons and daughters... because we can create this new world if we but choose to do so. We can be the architects of a reborn Eden more glorious than the first, and more free by far, if we but choose to become such architects. But to do that, we must take charge of our spirits, of our souls, of our minds and of our bodies... and liberate ourselves from the bondage we were born into. For all those born today, are born into a world held in bondage by evil men and women who would see us remain slaves to their greed, their ego, and their wickedness. But from the moment when we at last learn the truth of this world, and discover the evils of its' status quo, from the moment we discover the glory of true faith, and the importance of staying strong and fighting against the evils I have mentioned, and from the moment when we have gotten even the smallest glimpse of the bliss of Paradise... we are truly in that moment liberated, and once liberated we can never be held in bondage again. What chains can hold a will strong enough to break all chains? I say unto you, that all who believe in what I teach, and preach, those same shall remain liberated for all of time henceforth. And those who practice what I teach, and preach... those shall be the highest exemplars of the true faith. Have I not set examples down in my writings? Even as I have lived as an example myself, I have done this. What role model is better, than the new version of yourself that you can create with your own two hands, and forge upon the anvil of faith so that it is a thing perfect and without weakness in the material? I have given you the tools to do this, and I have shown you examples of the final result of the righteous reshaping of one's very soul and spirit. I am not one of those preachers who has never walked the path they teach, and when I preach the holy word of God... it is as one who has heard that word from God itself. I reforged myself even as I urge you to do the same, and what remains from such a reforging is always one's truest self, the best of all versions of that self which can be. Let the glory of God into your heart, and the way shall be evident.

   The moment you let God's glory within you, it is in that moment when you will be asked a question. I know not if this question comes from God almighty or from oneself, but it is this: “Am I ready to leave the past behind me, to be reshaped into an image more befitting of a child of the true faith, and am I in turn ready to be set apart from the easy path of this world that leads to destruction, that I may walk the more challenging, but more rewarding, path of faith that lies before me?” And the only proper answer to that question is “Yes!” and more specifically: “Yes! I am ready, I am willing, and I am able for all of this to be the case.” And once you say yes in this way, God will send the Holy Spirit down upon you, a manifestation of divine glory like no other, and it is a force that is a direct emanation of God. In that moment, cleanse yourself with water and you will be baptized anew. Choose a new name for yourself, if you wish to commit fully to being reborn in a way that the whole world will see... but even if you are fine with your current name, you will still be reborn once you are cleansed in this way. And say unto the glory of God in that moment: “Yes! Yes, oh God almighty, I am well and truly reborn.” and if you then and there confess all of your sins unto God, and beg forgiveness... you will be forgiven. Do this either standing or on your knees, or even if needs be face down upon the ground. It matters not! All that truly matters, is that you confess your sins and ask for that forgiveness. In that instant, know what if you are sincere in your desire to be reborn... your rebirth will be confirmed by your confession, and God will in fullness forgive you for all that you have done. For whilst God is beyond notions of good and evil, there is an aspect, an emanation of God that presides over such things... and the Holy Spirit is tied to this in a big way, and so when you feel the Holy Spirit moving within you in these moments, a great sense of deep and abiding peace will come over you, and you will know the peace of divine forgiveness. It does not matter what you did prior to that moment, it will be cleansed from you and you will no longer be the same person you once were. That is what becoming reborn is all about, and it doesn't take having to die and be literally reborn in order to make this happen. All it takes, is embracing faith and allowing the Holy Spirit into your heart so that you can experience a taste of divine bliss in that instant. Some sing songs of praise in that moment, others might recite a poem proclaiming the glory of God, and it doesn't matter one bit how you choose to express the joy you will feel in that instant... time itself will not even be important during that brief span of time. All that matters, is that you show how it makes you feel to be reborn in this way. And from then on, you will be a new person so long as you leave your sins behind you, whatsoever they may have been. However, you have to be fully willing to leave them behind you... and committed to sinning no more... in order to be reborn and remain reborn. A righteous heart will find nothing to be easier, whereas a wicked heart will find it to be the most difficult challenge of their entire life. But if you are steadfast in doing what is right and goodly, you will not backslide into your old sins, and you will feel what is rightful to do within your heart, mind, spirit and soul at all times. Now, I admit that I do not always know what is rightful to do... and the truth is, no one really does. But God knows... and if you listen to God within you, then you will be able to follow a path that will never lead you to stray, and which will make you able to know without actually knowing consciously what the right thing to do is in any given situation. If you fall for a time whilst striving on this path, you will know which mistakes not to make again... just repeat your rebirth and try anew, and this time be more careful not to fall due to the same errors as before. How many chances do we get? As many as it takes until we get it right! With God, with the true faith, there are no three strikes and you are out. If you are willing to do the right thing even if you do not know what it is or what that means... you will keep trying, and sooner or later you will succeed. It is not like with your parents when you were little, who punished you every time you did something wrong... every wrong thing we do comes with its' own punishment that we do in fact enact upon ourselves the moment we do a wrongful thing. Even if we do not inflict this willingly or consciously upon ourselves, we inflict it all the same... sooner or later... upon ourselves. The moment we realize we are doing this, and why, that is when we should realize we need to seek a far better way.

   We can each seek to be reborn at any time in our lives, there is no best time for it. There is also not an expiration date for it. However, we cannot expect to reach Paradise after we pass from this world if we spent a lifetime doing wrongful things. The best thing we can do, is to live a goodly and righteous life, a life without hatred, without bigotry, without prejudice, and without harming others. That alone will fully ensure that a person is worthy of Paradise. But we must be ready to get back up after life knocks us down, again and again if need be... and to be reborn as many times as it takes to get things right. We are, not one of us, perfect and it is only in this striving that we can come close to it and obtain a kind of perfection thereby. But you cannot close your heart to it, and you must never close your heart to others. In saying agreeing to be reborn, you are saying yes to salvation, and to being kind to your fellows. This is how the seeds of charity are planted in the heart, and we should allow them to grow so that they may blossom into a true whose fruits shall benefit not just ourselves but others as well. So be charitable to others, as you would be to your own family, and be forgiving of others in the same way that God was forgiving of you in the instant you became reborn and forsook the sins of your past. I need not tell you or stress overmuch the importance of showing understanding and tolerance towards others, even if they be not of the faith that I have set down in my writings as the true faith, that same which I have created in my writings for you to follow the teachings thereof. I need not remind you to never allow the sins of others to become your own. If you have a loving heart and goodly soul, and a mind pure and able to see the good in others, whilst at the same time being mindful of the bad and wary enough to steer clear of it then you will be certain to do the right thing and gracious enough to repent of it if you do not. But never forsake those in need our of fear that they might be false, lest you become false yourself thereby. Ever and always, be ready to take the needy to your bosom and to give others always the chance to learn the ways of the true faith so that they might join us in the bliss of Paradise and partake with us of the joys of the paradise to come in this world as well. Let us be like unto a family, one family united by belief and a desire to do goodly things. A desire to be a living example of divine goodness, that is what we all should strive most mightily to be. I cannot physically be at your side when you read this and when you happen to decide, if you do, to walk the path of the faith I have set before you. But I can be with you in spirit, with all who walk the path that I am on, for if we walk this same path then we walk it together... just like a family. Should I be as a father or mother to you, then; and when we are not physically with our parents, do we not still think of them and so allow a part of their spirit to be with us? It is so! And so I shall be with you, guiding you if you but let me. This is the age we were warned about, this is the age in which things are coming to pass that were mentioned in prophecies by the religions of old. This is the time when those of us who seek a better way for ourselves and for our children must dedicate our very beings to ensuring that future generations never need to suffer as we have suffered. It is no longer enough to be the change we wish to see, as once I believed. Now, we must create the change that must take place! If we have been the seeds of the garden that I have spoken of, then now is the time to water the seeds anew and let them blossom until their bear their most perfect of fruits. It is time to pass those fruits to those who need them most, and to act before it is too late so that the world may be changed in a way that will not result in its' wholesale destruction. My brothers and sisters, my children, it is time to listen as never before, and to let the light of divine illumination smile down upon you, that the way to the Eden that we can create will be manifest in this world at last. It does not matter where you are from, what country you live in, or what background you come from either.... all that matters, is that you have a desire to do the right and goodly thing. Now is the best time for those new to my teachings to listen to what those teachings have to say, and to embrace them if a person was merely on the fence about it just previously. My arms are always open, and God's are always open, and a family can always become as big as the hearts of the people who come to be a part of it. I was once told that I tend to have a desire to take in all the lost sheep of the world. But how else, can they find the way back to their home pastures?

   What else, is a shepherd to do! I have heard the calling of the divine in my heart, I have said yes to it, and I have embraced my rebirth when the time came to see it done. Now, I do as is in my nature and I guide whom I can and reach whom I am able to, so that they will be lost no more but at last able to find where it is that they truly belong. The world as it should be, is a place without borders or walls, a place of beauty and splendor everlasting, where the threat of war or nuclear fire is unknown. It is tragic, that today people know such threats. Every day such threats are in the news anymore, and they seem to be if anything becoming more dire as the decades pass. Remember! Every empire ends, but a garden can last forever, so long as its' trees are strong and its' plants and flowers tended lovingly, with the utmost care. Every shepherd is a gardener as well, and every soul contains a space within it for a garden of heavenly splendors like no other. Each garden within us can be as unique as the person in which it can be found, and if we made of this world a physical manifestation of that... the beauty of the Earth would then be a thing unimaginable in terms of its' magnificence! If enough of the flock become shepherds themselves, and if enough gardens within begin to flourish... then surely, the Eden we can create will not be all that far behind. That is the vital importance of teaching others, and of preaching the word of the faith as it was written. When you have finished reading this, I want you to consider deeply all that I have said in the course of this work, because it is one of my most important works yet written. Consider the kind of world you wish to see this world become, and what legacy you wish to leave for the children who shall be born into it. No child asks to be born into times of war or suffering, and so it is up to those who seek only the best for the children to create a world in which such things as war and suffering are unknown. When I  awoke this morning, I did not intend to write something profound or spiritually meaningful, or anything potentially life-changing or world-changing. But then, I felt the Holy Spirit enter into me, and I was moved by God to write as I have within this work. And I am glad for it, because it is needed by a great many, and perhaps you dear reader are one such person. Consider well, all that I have said, and be guided by your heart and soul in whatsoever you do in life. Be guided to do goodly things, always, and to have the wisdom to avoid doing what is contrary to a goodly life. Perhaps you are on a path that is a comforting one for you, and perhaps it is the right path for you to walk. But if you have been lost and wondering what next to do, you would do well to consider allowing my teachings to guide you towards a better path than any you may have walked previously. These are the times when choices must be made and great labors undertaken. When the time comes for the current world order to end, there is without a single question only one decent and proper way forward for humanity from there! I have charted within my writings the course, and within my teachings I have described the way. It will not be an easy journey that lies before us, but is the only journey worth undertaking that will not end in the cycle of violence in this world being perpetuated endlessly. To break that cycle, we must begin anew and restore innocence to every heart... as well as dignity to the world itself. The greed and corruption that taints the Earth will need to be removed from off the face of it... and that includes those in whom such monstrous greed still exists. The gluttony with which they consume until there is nothing left must be ended. The slothfulness which has made these greedy, gluttonous tyrants so complacent in the belief that their power is absolute has made them weak even as they have sought to make others weaker than they themselves already are. For such evil individuals are the most pathetic creatures of all! Their lust for power and control can be tolerated no longer. Their hatred for others, and for life itself it seems, has made them wrathful and so shall God's wrath be poured out upon them. Their pride has caused them to aggrandize themselves and it has made them elevate their wickedness to new heights of evil, because their envy of righteousness is at the root of their desire to make of themselves kings of this world and gods in their own right. But the seven most deadly of all sins are evident in everything they do, and so they are marked by the presence of those sins within all of their works. And so, those who think they rule this world shall be brought as low as the dirt of the soil itself, and from the dirt in which they shall lie there shall grow nothing good.

   Evil, in the end, consumes itself and the endless consumption of the world's resources at the hands of the supposed “elite” shall in the end have sown the seeds of their own undoing. But we cannot afford to wait until the world has perished for justice to have its' way with those wicked ones. If mankind is to in fact survive as a species, the end of these prideful “elites” must come to an end before their deeds bring death to all life everywhere upon the surface of this world. But God will not allow this world to perish, nor will God allow countless millions to suffer because of the sins of but a comparative few. And so, I have seen shown unto me that the empire presided over by those madmen and madwomen shall perish, and it shall go unto perdition in time to save the world from its' destruction at their hands. But only if we continue to fight against them and to defy their tyranny in as great or as little ways as we can, each of us playing to our strengths to create the change we wish to see in this world, that it may be saved by the changes we bring about thereby. Because the evil ones are hateful, they will hate us because we are righteous, our cause is just, and our hearts are pure. I do not forget how one of my spiritual mentors did warn me, saying that I needed to be wary of those evil ones I speak of... and we must all be wary in just a similar way, since the threat is real and there is much at stake. Jennifer was her name, and she was a very wise woman to have warned me as she had. But we must, at the same time, keep our hearts open to others and we must be willing to allow those who are sincere into the family of our faith. There is a great strength in numbers, and ironically although they think themselves powerful... the evil ones are few in number and they are operating within a finite time that has been allotted to them. That time will run out, and when it does we must be ready to create the world anew, in a better way than what was in the current world order. We must continue to strive, to struggle, and to fight until the need for fighting is past. Keep your arms by your side, but keep your faith securely within you. I preach a path of peace, but I also teach a path of survival and strength. Every sheep of our flock must be ready, at a moment's notice, to become a wolf in order to protect the young and to preserve our way of life. But that is what makes the righteous truly righteous... when we fight for a cause, it is a just one and pure one. When the armies of the evil ones fight, it is for power, control, and dominance over others. We who are righteous fight for freedom, liberty, faith, and family. Regardless of what physical form I wear, do you know who I am, what I am? I am the voice of the word that was before all else existed, and when all else is ended my voice shall still be heard. I am faithful, true, and speak what I am inspired to speak... moved ever by the Holy Spirit, and by a desire to do good even when it is difficult or dangerous to do so. Any who do desire to, can be as I am and do as I do, should they be moved to. I am more than a physical person, for I and my teachings are one, I and the word are inseparable. It was stated in prophecy that I would come and that I would gather the lost sheep with my teachings, so that they would be lost no longer. I am not perfect! Once I was broken, shattered, and desiring to die... but I found something that showed me that life is worth living after all. I found my purpose, and that purpose is to guide others to the glory and the bliss of Paradise, and to show them how this world can become an emanation of Paradise wherein we may all dwell as equals, at peace and in joy as well as endless jubilation. Those in power believe that money equals power... but what will money avail them, when the end of their empire is come to pass! Money only has worth so long as the system that requires it still exists. We must get back to basics, we must create a society without money but in which personal property still exists. We must have no more of some having and some having not, we must have no more rich and poor, no more class systems to govern who can be successful and who cannot. I have stated this throughout all of my writings, and it is a truth of the paradise that we must create upon this world, the Eden wherein all may be content and at last able to fully know the heights of delight. It will be hard for those who have come to equate success with money, but it will be necessary because when this comes to pass... and it will... money will be as worthless as tissue paper, if not more useless due to it not even being fit to blow your nose with. I have seen this in countless dreams and a myriad of visions, and what I see always comes to pass in the end.

   I do not say that out of arrogance or pride, but because I have silently waited and watched whilst over the years I have had numerous dreams, and visions, of events that later came to pass. The destruction that befell the World Trade Center in New York City. The wars in Iraq... as well as the War on Terror and everything leading up to it... the current brutal state of affairs that exist in Russia, and the conflict that has come to Ukraine. The perpetual bloody battles that continue to tear through the Holy Land in one form or another, as time passes... with things growing worse rather than getting better. The rise and fall of many celebrities, as well, I have seen with the utmost clarity. I saw scientists being able to fully map the human genome, I saw the rise of artificial intelligence in the world. And every single thing I witnessed, it came to pass in the end. I also saw scientists conducting experiments to resurrect people who were dead, and some of those experiments causing a terrible disaster. I saw wars, new sicknesses, and technological marvels as well as unspeakable horrors. That was how I realized that I am in fact a true prophet rather than a false one. And so, I have related unto you what I have seen regarding the end of the current world order. I myself am not frightened by what is coming, because I understand what it is that God has planned throughout the course of human events to come. However, because I also have foreseen other, more terrible paths that mankind could go down along the way... I am mindful of just how necessary it is to be cautious, careful, and ready for anything in this world. And so, I tell you to be ready as well, and to live well and to do what is right always. Even if it may seem that you are in a very small, marginalized minority for doing so! Better by far to feel that way and be able to live with the full knowledge that you are on the right path, than to be one of those masses who never finds their way and is caught up so deeply in the endless cogs of the machine that society has become that they become lost and unable to find their way again. We must take control of ourselves, take control of our lives, and in the end we must take control of our world and restore it to the balance it once knew when all was pure, pristine, and perfect as far as the natural world goes. And any religion that claims that the world itself is evil, and that the only hope for salvation lies only in a distant heaven of any kind... that religion is both wrong, and dangerous to the future of this world. In my faith, the one I present to you in my writings... I clearly state that there is hope for salvation both in this world as well as in the next, and that the world is not innately evil, and neither is the universe in which it exists. Nor, the multiverse beyond that! I am truthful in that I explain that evil only exists because humans chose to do evil things, and that society's notions of good and evil are false, as are mainstream organized religions' views of such things. I know and understand the true nature of good and evil, and I realize that humanity has a choice between both opposite polarities. In the current world order, evil is running rampant and wearing the guise of good... and countless numbers of people are being deceived daily. That is why I continue to write down these, my teachings, and every new revelation that is given unto me to understand. So that you will be able to know the truth thereby, and so that you will be able to free yourself from the deceptions that currently are at work in the world today, across almost every society on the planet. These evil forces are global in nature, and they cause corruption wherever their tenets take root. That is why I have created the faith that I present to you within my writings and my teachings, so that you may remain incorruptible thanks to the tenets that exist within my faith. Through knowledge can come great power, and the power that I give you dear reader is not of this world but of something far, far stronger and more everlasting. It is far greater than any temporary power possessed by tyrants and rulers whose authority is based in policy but not in decency. Now you understand the peril that this world is in, and why, and now you comprehend the urgency of humanity's needing to turn things around so that all shall not be too late. God works ever through every heart and soul, and we need only open our hearts to its' truth and wisdom in order to fully be guided down the most righteous of paths. These are times of great tribulations and challenges, and in order to triumph over such things we must remain strong, we must remain faithful, and we must let our hearts, minds, spirits and souls be guided by righteousness. Be open to change, be open to possibilities!

   I have been absent from you for a long time now, and during my absence I have been considering all of these things that I have now shared with you, weighing how to word my thoughts on these subjects. But it was not until God inspired me today, and poured into me what fully needed to be said, that I was at the last able to give form and structure to these writings which now lie before you. I was open to new possibilities, and that was when divine inspiration came unto me and guided my hands as I committed to writing all that needed to be said. Had my mind been closed, my thoughts would have remained in a state in which I would still be weighing and considering things. But my mind was open! It is always so open, and everyone's should be. Because with an open mind, there is nothing that cannot be known, nor anything that cannot be understood. It waits only on our will to understand... and the moment we allow that will to exercise its' boundless abilities... we open ourselves up to becoming more than we are, more than we could ever hope to be otherwise. Once you realize the potential we all possess within us, you will comprehend why it is that those in power wish to dumb us down and keep us ignorant of our true, full potential. But by keeping an open mind rather than a narrow or closed one... we allow ourselves to remain in control of ourselves, and if you are in control of yourself than no one will be able to master you or control you. Only you have the say over whether your mind shall remain your own, and not be manipulated and molded into something lesser by the will of tyrants and fools. Only you have within you the means to stand up to those who would impose their wills over your own, and to remain strong in the face of even such as that. The greatest gift I can give to those who listen to my teachings, is the gift of being able to remain themselves, only with the added ability to become better than they ever so might have been had they never heeded me. I do not seek to control, but to set free, and once you are free you will never be content with mindless servitude again. The key to true freedom, is empowering oneself and strengthening one's mind, and keeping that mind open so that it can continue to grow, so that you can continue to grow. Because we never really do stop growing! Once we are grown in body, that is just the beginning. Our minds, our hearts, our spirits, and our souls continue to grow, to evolve, as time goes on, and it only stops if we close ourselves off and allow it to cease. As we age, we all will become less physically strong than we used to be.. but if we keep our minds strong, then we will remain in possession of something truly formidable indeed, something untouchable by any outside force save for the force divine that should always be a part of us no matter what. I give you more than a gift of faith, I bestow upon you... should you choose to follow after my teachings... a gift of empowerment, a gift of freedom, a gift of true enlightenment. And, the ability to maintain control of your own life, your own destiny, and your own will, no matter what you might be faced with in life. I give such gifts freely, and I ask nothing in return because in accepting all that I have to offer... you will already be on the path of righteousness, and I can be assured that you will do what is only goodly to do and never what is evil. All that a teacher could ever ask of any student, is for that student to accept the gift of knowledge that the teacher is bestowing upon them, and to be assured that they will do well with it. That is how it is with a proper, goodly teacher anyway, and I am precisely that kind of teacher. So when you finish with reading this particular work of mine, you may wish to proceed with reading my other works in order to learn more about my faith and my teachings as a whole. It is the beginning of a journey, and where it may take you... that, I cannot foresee. Sometimes, the wind blows us as it will, and the river takes us as it flows, and we can only go along on the journey and enjoy it for what it is. Wherever your journey will take you, know that I bless you and I hope that your journey will be a delightful one with a blissful and blessed culmination. Every person who lives, needs the chance to have such a culmination of their life's journey, and of every journey they embark upon during their lifetime. One day, such will be the case... but in the meantime one must continue to remain strong, steadfast in the faith, and secure in the deepest knowledge of realizing that everything we do is for the greatest of good and the noblest of purposes that can be imagined by the minds and hearts of humanity. Let every step you take, bring you new wonders!

   Each and every single hour brings us closer to new events that can bring us many things. Whether or not they bring us wonders... or instead heartaches... depends on where we go from here. Just as I did so bestow upon you a blessing, I bestow upon you also a final series of important truths to keep close unto your breast. We live in an age in which men have been forced to believe in false ideals of masculinity, and in which women have been forced to believe in impossible ideals of femininity. They have been so forced by pressure from a society that does not have their best interests at heart, a society that has gotten to the point where it has become a capitalistic pandemonium where image is everything, stereotypes are the order of the day, and a desire for money and fame drive people to do unspeakable things not just to others but to themselves as well. Forget the images of men you see on television, they are all buffoons! Forget the images of women you see in movies, as they do not reflect reality. Let God show you in your heart the true image of yourself as you can be if you set your mind to it, and you will not need to look to false idols and bad role models for a blueprint of how you yourself should be. Do not let celebrities tell you what you should wear, or how you should look, feel, think or be. And never trust the politicians, as they only seek power even when they do so with seeming good intentions behind their deceptive words. When I was in school, I was surrounded by peer pressure right up until the day when I was no longer in school, and I never once caved into that pressure because I listened not to those around me but to what God saw fit to put into my heart so that I might know right from wrong. I taught myself a better way, I found a path worth walking and guides to show the way when I was most lost. I am now that guide for you, if you desire for me to be! If you are lost, if you are confused, if you are surrounded by uncertainty, then what better guide to have than one who has also been lost, confused, and surrounded by all of the same uncertainties. Politicians fail not just because they do not have peoples' best interests at heart, but because they are not relatable for the average person, and the same thing is true of celebrities. But I am someone you can relate to, someone who has been where you are right now, someone who has found a better way, and in many ways that better way likewise found me. Which is something I have said before and it is just as true when I say it now. The men of the future that I would create, would no longer be as buffoons fit only for mocking, and the women would not be held to ridiculous standards of beauty that are shallow and meaningless at best, and harmful at worst. I would restore dignity to the human race, so that we can in turn restore dignity to the entire world. For how can we do the one, if we cannot do the other as well? We must do both! And it must begin with a decision. Will you be content to remain but a slave to the current world order... or will you break free from their control by accepting the truths that I have bestowed upon you? It matters not if you have to defy society, mainstream religion, or even your parents... if you are surrounded by wickedness, just as I was when I was growing up, the only rational and reasonable thing to do, is to defy that wickedness, to challenge it, and to stand apart from it in all that you are and all that you think, say, and do. Just as how in the face of tyranny, the only reasonable thing to do is to rebel against it, lest you become an accomplice to it over time. Patriotism is not being coerced into believing that your country is right no matter what... it is by believing in something that is right in such a way that if you see your whole country doing wrong, you will know that wrong for what it is and be able to fight it with everything you have. Remember! All empires fall eventually, but when you hold a strong belief in your heart and a great truth to your bosom, it shall endure forever. But only if that belief, and that truth, are shared with others! I have, and am still, sharing my beliefs and my truths with you and with all who read my written works, and even in times of great darkness they shall serve as a beacon of light by which you might cross the most turbulent seas to the paradise that awaits us all. It is not a question of if that paradise shall be established... it is only a matter of when. And when this life is at an end, and I stand in Paradise with all those I have loved, and who have loved me, all around and all about me with us all basking in the warmth of God's light and love... I hope to see you there. For even if we never meet, whomever you may be, if you are fond of my teachings then I call you... family.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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