Image for the poem The Child In Us

The Child In Us

I love the crosswords puzzle, i hate the crossroads hustle, and the vain downtown bustle, crowded, growling with screams and beastly muscles..    
i opt for a little hike, across country thru' the fields, 'n past an old mansion, built on a rocky hill, owned by a stout old man, whose biceps would pull and drive a donkey cart with iron wheels, down to the weekly market, and up again uphill on his own full of goods, without a panting sighed, or a word of complain whispered..    
i opt for a walk far from noisy, bewildering streets, into the fields of wheat, hear the herds' bleat, something like an orchestra led by shepherds under their guiding sticks,as honks and buses bustles, horned taxis, blaring with brain piercing screechs, all make my head swims in a devilish nightmares, and thus crimes happen where i'm the only pedestrian.    
Sometimes, and even some often times my whims land on a flat plain, smooth and calm where i can give speed to my feet, let them go loose in the open field, trying to outrun, and challenge the child in the wind gently caresses my face, and my heart starts to throb like a child chasing a flying bird........    
i regain the feeling of a child, revive again, resuscitate the dead childhood once more, through the pathways some time ago trodden, and walked alongside the old dog's river, that leads to the pine forest and close by the christian churchyard, where ancient bones and some alabaster statues stand watching over the dead beneath their feet...    
Oh, yes, i love the roads that lead to future adventures unseen and places unthought of, or a hilly mountain that nestles snakes, and strange beasts, like a page in a book you just want to discover and find yourself, curiously eager to read and reveal..    
That's the feeling of a human being who needs a natural fuel, a morning bird, a dawn's breath to be inspired into his soul, and feel the sweetness of nature's world and beauty sensation gained nature and everything that human beings share, its Nature from which we came and thrive, to which we go back after death..
Written by poeticdelight (Hamid)
Published | Edited 18th Jun 2024
Author's Note
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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