Dear you

Dear you,
I hope you live your 20s 30s and golden age too.
I hope you create unforgettable memories,
for that is what life is all about.
click pictures with your families
and sit quietly under a willow tree.
I hope you love yourself and everything a little extra today.
I hope you count the fire flies in the scariest nights.
I hope you dance on the rhythm of life
with the rainbows shadow of dreams.
I hope you taste the essence of freedom
and feel the touch of bliss on you tender heart.
I hope you kiss the moon under the raining sky.
I hope you trace the printed letters of a book
with your fingers and perceive it consciously.
I hope you suck the nectar from the sun's rays
and build your utopia under the bright stars.
I hope you never apologize
for being in spirits.
I hope you pick flowers with the golden butterflies of spring.
I hope you learn to smile with the one and smile a little more.
I hope you fall in love with living and taste life
with more than a spoon.
Written by Stephanos_PS_M
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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