The Forever Agnostic

I'm glad I stopped going to church a few weeks ago. I didn't like that the Bible study leader expressed that I was a hypocrite for simply expressing how I felt about the church. He also yelled at me once in a way they he never yelled at anyone else.

I'm convinced that this is not the group for me. That church in general is not for me. I never met a single close friend. The Christians are never the ones who even go out of their way for me. It's always my more skeptical friends who are willing to go in the mud with me. Christians, with their pearly white garments, don't want to look dirty.

In my new in-process memoir called The Forever Agnostic, I express that I never felt I belonged with the atheists who seemed like snobby businessmen nor with the Christians who seemed like children who could never grow up. Either group angered me deeply. Both seemed to have cultish behaviors. Recovering from Religion, a community I joined on Slack, wanted you to lean left, and if you said anything that darted from that, you were treated as an outsider. Christians in the church, while more watered down and nice, feel like ghosts that have already moved on without me.

If you asked me if I believed today, I wouldn't even be sure what to tell you. I guess I thought Jesus Christ was different from any other leader of religion because I hear my deep thinker friend say that he didn't even want a religion made after him, that he mainly wanted people to treat one another with decency.

I want to believe that. Truly I do, but what about all these rules like sex before marriage and the like? I mean that's the one reason why we failed, J. Because I internalized that message, and I'm just angry.

Not that I mean to mention you in everything I write, but it's true, and you mean a lot to me. So, I'm angry with the church about that.

Truly from the bottom of my heart.
Written by DarkPopPrincess (Princess Alia)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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